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The safety aspects of the use of the experimental sample veterinary preparation based on nanoparticles

The mineral-deficiency diseases of animals are widespread in animal husbandries of the Republic of Belarus. The traditional use in the prevention of hypo-microelementhoses of the solutions and preparations based on the inorganic salts for a number of reasons not always gives the desired effect. Consequently in recent years a big attention is paid to the research of new means of mineral-deficiency disease prevention, based on nanoparticles of microelements as well. According to native and foreign clinical studies the preparations of next generation based on the microelements in the form of the nanoparticles of Fe, Co and Cu are considered to be promising in that direction. However in animal breeding their use raises requirements to the quality and safety of the products received.

In connection therewith the aim of this work is the study of the safety of use of the experimental sample veterinary preparation based on nanoparticles Co, Cu, Fe.

According to the results of studies it was found that the experimental sample preparation based on such nanoparticles as Co, Cu and Fe possesses mild cytotoxic properties and low hazard for the single-celled test organisms, has a beneficial effect on the contents of erythrocytes and the Hb level in blood from rabbits. Meat and products of slaughter of rabbits which have been treated for 15 days before the slaughter with synthesized drug at a dose of 2 ml /head, are benign from organoleptic, physical and chemical parameters and do not differ from control samples, morphological changes in rabbit liver under action of experimental sample were not found.

The results confirm that it's possible to use nanoparticles of microelements in creation of the safe preparations for treatment and prevention of hypo- microelementhoses of farm animals. However, the implementation of this direction requires a detailed and comprehensive study of the mechanisms of the interaction of nanoparticles of microelements and the cells of organism, and also the ways of their biotransformation and excretion, that is planned for further studies.

Key words: nanoparticles of microelements, cytotoxic properties, blood indexes, physical and chemical parameters, relative biological value and harmlessness, morphological ground.

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