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Sanitary and hygienic evaluation of drinking water sources for animals on the farms in Ukraine

Water intended for drinking by animals should have epizootic and radiation safety, favorable organoleptic properties and harmless chemical composition. The underground water sources are preferred for the supply of water to animals. The water from this source is generally protected from biological, chemical and radiological contamination. Hygienic evaluation of the safety and quality of water is carried out using indicators of epizootic safety (microbiological, parasitological), sanitation safety (sensory, physical, chemical, sanitary and toxicological indexes) and radiological parameters. The aim of the study was to carry out sanitary and hygienic evaluation of water sources and quality of water used for watering livestock cattle in different biogeochemical zones of Ukraine. The study was conducted during 2011-2012 years on the twenty dairy farms with different anthropogenic load, located in the north-eastern, western, central and southern zones of Ukraine. Samples of water used in the farms were taken from two points (wells and drinking bowls), twice a year according to the methodology. Water was taken in clean glassware with the volume of 1,5 dm3, hermetically closed and signed. The label included the following data: location (region, area, industry, farm), date of sampling and sample number. The study was conducted jointly with the employees of the Bila Tserkva Veterinary Laboratory, Chemical and Bacteriological Department CP BIS "Bilotserkivvodokanal" and SI "Volyn RDLVM". The selected water was studied by 30 parameters: sensory, smell, taste, coloration, turbidity and microbiological indexes, circle-code MAFAM, mineral and sanitary chemistry indexes, the content of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chlorides, sulfates, nitrates, nitrites, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, lead, cadmium, ammonia nitrogen, total hardness, mineral and dry residue, pH, alkalinity, permanganate oxidizing.

It was established that the organoleptic, bacteriological, sanitary and chemical indices of water used for animals does not meet the state hygiene standards. In most farms of all biogeochemical zones the water content of iron exceeded on average 1,2-4 times, and manganese content was in excess from two to four times. The water with excess content of iron acquire a yellow-brown color, becomes cloudy and sticky and has a metallic taste. Manganese turns the water pink, giving it a bad taste.

The study of organoleptic characteristics of water (smell, taste, color intensity, which is caused by organic matter content and the presence of suspended particles) showed that on the most farms, except for those from Western biogeochemical zone, the water did not meet sanitary requirements. The excess of the MCL averaged 1,2-4 times. It especially apply to the farms of north-eastern zone.

The studied water samples also did not meet sanitary and microbiological parameters. The total number of mesophylic, aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms in the water of all farms exceeded permissible level in 1,1-1,5 times. Water content of iron and manganese exceeded the permissible limit values as well.

We believe that a promising area of future research is the study of economically viable methods of the correction of sanitary and hygienic parameters of water used for watering animals.

Key words: supply sources, artesian wells, drinking water for animals, health indicators.

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