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Sea water contamination of chlororganochlorine pestitsydes as an important component of primary food chain con-trol in mussels production
The paper presents an analysis of the scientific literature on studies of sea water for the presence in it of organochlorine compounds (OCС), their sources and effects of these toxins on marine biota, seafood and mussels. The aim of this study was to summarize the literature about OCС content in sea water as a component of primary care in the control of food production chain mussels and features of OCС accumulation in seawater Ukraine, including Odessa region.
Ukraine is a sea states and therefore monitoring study as seawater and marine biota in safety performance are critical to addressing environmental and food issues. Among the pesticides found in recent years, scientists in seawater in coastal areas of Odessa region prevalent HCH and DDT. Migration of pesticides causes instability concentration in sea water and determine the need for continuous monitoring them.
The ecological environment of Odessa region – one of the largest in Ukraine territorially areas also unsatisfactory. During the postwar period, from 1949 to 1993, its territory was used for agriculture more than 260 thousandton Pesticides. For an average load of these substances at 1960–1990, and the mass of insecticides and herbicides (as active substance) region ranked third after Vinnitsa and Kirovograd. It was a prerequisite for widespread circulation and OCС in the environment and groundwater. To study the distribution of pesticides Geological Survey of Ukraine were investigated soil, sediment (reservoir, the lower reaches of the Danube, Dniester river valleys and Great Kuyalnik, Dniester and other estuaries), streams and groundwater artesian aquifers Odessa region. As a result, studies have found that among the pesticides detected a significant portion of the class represented by OCС (HCH, DDT).
So in the sediments of the Dniester estuary of the 45 samples studied OCС detected in 41. Total HCH was found in 53 % of samples (0–7,260 mg / kg) DDT – 71 % (0–18,365 mg / kg).
The deterioration of the Black Sea environment, pollution of sea water in the last decade led to the depletion of marine resources, worsening its aesthetic and recreational values and standard of living
Since OCС reservoirs in food webs transmitted and collected aquatic organisms in an amount that exceeds several times their original concentration. The literature shows that DDT levels in the chain of sludge – algae – marine crustaceans – fish in each following link increased an average of 10 times from the previous level of the chain.
The main parts of the food production chain mussels include: a) cultivation of mussels in seawater (natural or industrial); b) capture and transportation; c) processing technology; d) storage; e) transportation; e) consumption. Using data on OCС content in the seas considered an important tool for tracking the beginning of the food chain to ensure the safety of seafood.
In Ukraine, the monitoring of pesticides in seafood done, but it does not apply mussels caught in national waters of the Black Sea. Media is one of the resources of the national seafood Black Sea. Toxicological characterization of mussels regarding OCС domestic scientists hardly understood. At the same time, the mussels are used as food in Ukraine.
Mussels among marine biota populations belong to the best natural bioindicators. Research results biological concentration of the OCС copper is an important information to predict their level in the final food product are intended for human consumption Elevated concentrations of OCС in Media dangerous to human health.
The study of the relationship between pollution of sea water and OCС levels of toxins in mussels are an important tool for monitoring their safety at all levels of the food chain longitudina "from sea to table".
Key words: sea water, sea biota, chlororganochlorine, food chain, mussel.
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