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Serum method of inactivated antirabic vaccine imunogenity testing
In the article, there is listed a method of antirabic vaccine testing. This method is based on research results of specific antibodies in white mice blood serum after they were vaccinated with antirabic vaccine.
Research set up assumed immunization of white mice with reference-vaccine in different dilutions. Reference-vaccine was diluted on NSS to immunogenic activity: 1 IU/dose, 2 IU/dose, 2.8 IU/dose, 3,9 IU/dose and 5,59 IU/dose, and after, diluted 1:5 (in analogy with the classic test NIH) held immunization of mice. Animals were vaccinated intraperitoneal with dose 0,5cm3. There were used 10 white mice for each of the vaccine variant. On 14th day since the immunization was held, there were a blood samples taken from all of the animals. Received blood serum and determined antibodies level with the help of ELISA. As part of the study, we have found the minimal level of specific antirabic antibodies, which must meet the vaccine with immunogenity 1 UI/dose – 0, 7±0,001 IU/cm3 , because in Ukraine it is acceptable to use inactivated antirabic vaccines for animals with immunogenity not less then 1,0 IU in dose.
Maximal level of antirabic antibodies (1,84±0,002 IU/сm3) was observed in the group of animals, which were vaccinated with 5,59 IU/dose immunogenic activity vaccine.
On the base received results (white mice blood serum tests for active antirabic antibodies) we built a curve of calibration – the proportional dependence of antibodies level from immunogenic activity of antirabic vaccines. This curve in further researches of antirabic vaccine immunogenic activities we used as a stencil.
The next stage of our experiment was consisted in research with serological immunogenic activity test of researched vaccine groups. For test, there were chosen 3 vaccine series with different immunogenic activity (4,4, 7,2 and 9,1 IU/dose). Additionally, to demonstrate in serological method the vaccine series, which should not be licensed and used in animals, we prepared the dilution of antirabic vaccine (immunogenic activity 4,4 IU/dose) to immunogenity 0,7 IU/dose. In analogy with reference-vaccine, we diluted research vaccines 1:5. After this, we held intraperitoneal immunization of white mice with a dose of 0,5 cm³, using 10 mice for each of the variant. On 14 day there were blood samples taken in all of the animals to detect the level of antibodies in blood serum with help of ELISA.
As a result of experiments there was found, that first 3 vaccine series meet the required quality standards, the middle value of antibodies level in white mice blood serum was 1,62±0,05 – 3,15±0,10IU/cm3 , which corresponds the immunogenic activity in 4,4 –≥5,59IU/dose. The antibodies number in aminals, which were vaccinated with 4th group of vaccine, was ≤0,25IU/cm3 , which shows discrepancy of vaccine to immunogenic activity (<1 IU/dose).
For verification of correspondence, the serological method was tested in direct correlation with test NIH (r=0,95), which confirms its usage as an alternative test. Further, with the help of our serological method with calibration curve, it is necessary to use only 10 mice, which makes this method cheaper.
Consequently, the serological method, which we have developed, successfully passed the test on its ability to veracious determination of inactivated antirabic vaccine immunogenic activity.
Key words: antirabic vaccine, antirabic antibodies, immunogenic activity, NIH test, ELISA.
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