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State of A and E vitamin metabolism in broiler chickens using the drug Dekavit
The objective of the study was to conduct research and production test, experimentally verify the effectiveness of vitamin preparation "Dekavit" - solution for peroral administration in order to prevent hypovitaminosis and prevention of metabolic diseases in broiler chickens.
The work was conducted in 2014 at the Research Institute for internal diseases, and scientific educational research center of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University.
The material for the study were 90 broiler chickens cross Cobb-500. During conducting investigation, birds were divided into three groups (control and two experimental) of 30 each.
Chickens of all groups were fed a mixed fodder provided by technological map using cross-country birds, which included starter (1–14 days), developer (15–28) and fattening periods (29–42 days). Livestock of the first and the second tested groups, twice on the 8–14 and 25–31 days were given Dekavit drug in doses of 1 and 2 ml/l of water, respectively.
Clinical studies of broiler chickens 16-days of age found that the bird is mobile and active, has good fatness. The average weight of chicks in groups was as follows: in control – 384±7,15 g, in the first and the second tested group – 443±6,24and 492±5,53g. the bird had strongly developed skeleton. The cornea is transparent, conjunctiva is pink. Surveying nasal openings set their permeability to air; leakage characteristic for Newcastle disease, infectious laryngotracheitis, rhinitis of noninfectious etiology were absent. The mucous membrane of the tongue, hard palate were pink, without layers. Crop was oval, content was of mushy consistency. The abdomen was not enlarged. The mucous membrane of the cloaca was pink, integral, without layers.
Results of clinical and biochemical studies showed that use of the drug Dekavit in poultry of the first experimental group (receiving 1 ml) signs of Peroz were detected in 6,6 %, of conjunctivitis – 6,6 %, symptoms of A-vitamin deficiency and Peroz were detected only in 3,3 % of chickens. In the control group, combined form of conjunctivitis, apteriozes in the back area and signs of Perozreestruvaly were registered in 13,3 %. Positive effect on metabolism and protective effect of vitamin complex at the recommended dose of 1 ml is explained by the increased content of vitamin A in the blood serum of chickens of the first experimental group on 16,8 and Vitamin E – 17,7 % compared with the control. At the same time at the dose of 2 ml (experimental group 2) concentration of retinol in the blood serum of chickens and its deposition in the liver were increased by 23,1 and 24,6 %, respectively.
Vitamin metabolism in 33-days-old broiler chicks compared with a 16-days, has undergone some changes. Thus, vitamin A significantly increased only in the blood serum of the birds from the second experimental group and was 78,6±5,24 mg/100 ml (+ 21%; p<0,05). This indicates that the prevention of A-vitamin deficiencies in older birds must be observed at a dose of 2 ml. This is confirmed by the significantly higher (1,4 times, p<0,05) deposition of vitamin A in the liver of experimental group 2, the content of which was 55,1±5,18 mg/g (Lim 30,5–70,2). Vitamin E increased (19,5 %) to 0,92±0,07 vs 0,74±0,04 mg/100 ml in the control group (p<0,05).
Prospect for further research is to study the influence of the drug Dekavit on protein and lipid metabolism of meat type poultry.
Key words: vitamins A, E, broiler chickens, Dekavit, metabolism.
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