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The structure of bone fractures in dogs in a metropolis
In cities in recent years has increased the number of small animals. Also increased the number of different diseases, so there is a need to carry out their monitoring. Monitoring will provide an opportunity to assess the structure of certain diseases , which contribute to their in-depth study of doctor of veterinary medicine.
The purpose of research is monitoring structure veterinary care, surgical pathology and structure of bone fractures in dogs in a city.
Monitoring studies conducted in clinical veterinary medicine "Aibolyt" in Odessa. The animals performed a clinical examination performed by the need for laboratory, x-ray, ultrasound or laparoscopy study. There was processed electronic database of taking animals to veterinary clinics for 2013.
It was established that during the period from January 1 to December 31, 2013 to the clinic veterinary medicine "Aibolyt" in Odessa received 4073 dogs and 4541 cats.
The structure of veterinary care the largest share amounted dispensary examinations and vaccinations – 18.1%. Skin diseases were 15.8, infectious and invasive – 7.7, alimentary canal – 7.3, respiratory – 3.7 and the cardiovascular system – 2.2 % of the animals that came to the clinic.
With surgical pathology for the study period received 2444 animals, representing 60.0% of all studied dogs. Injuries and surgical infection of soft tissues in the structure of surgical pathology was 26.4 %. Among the surgical pathology in dogs are very common skin disease (allergic dermatitis, pyoderma, tinea), they constitute 29.9 %. Other diseases that relate to the surgical pathology of osteo-articular pathology is 13.4 %. Eye disease (konyuktyvity, keratitis, eyelid entropion and ektopion) – 7.8, neoplasia (tumors of the breast, lymphoma, osteosarcoma ) – 6.7%. Diseases of the ear ( otitis , trauma ears ) – 6.1, abdominal surgical pathology ( hernia, intestinal obstruction, volvulus of the stomach) – 4.8 %. Diseases of the genital organs ( pyometra, orchitis ) – 3.2, and the nervous system (paresis, paralysis, encephalopathy) – 1.7%.
Articular pathology (dyskopatiyi, dysplasia, less arthritis, arthritis and sprains), the structure of bone and joint pathology is 81.4% (n = 267). Bone pathology is 18.6% (n = 61). Bone pathology is divided into the fractured bone – 85.2% (n = 52), osteosarcoma – 9.8% (n = 6), and osteomyelitis – 5.0% (n = 3).
The most complex bone fractures include fracture range – 7.7 %, they are often accompanied by a significant euthanasia percentage. Fractures of long bones is – 78.9, and 21.1% of plate.
Localization fracture long bones are divided into diaphyseal 90.2 (n = 37), epiphyseal – 4.9 (n = 2) and metaphyseal – 4.9% (n = 2) (Table 4). Fractures are divided into simple and fragmentation , the latter according to our studies is 39 % (n = 16) among the total number of fractures.
Anatomically fractures of long bones are divided into fracture stylopodia - shoulder – 7.3 and femur – 26.9 %. Zeyhopodia – the bones of the forearm and lower leg 39.0 – 14.6 %. Metapodia – pastern and metatarsus 0 and 4.9 % and akropodia – phalanges of fingers – 7.3%. According to studies, more common fractures of the forearm 39,0% (n = 16). This is due to the dwarf breeds, they share these bone fractures among the largest and fracture forearm is 25 % (n = 4).
Fractures of the bones are more common in metis – 31.7 %. Dog dwarf breeds in second place – 22.0 %. Among these yorkshire terrier – 9.9, toy terrier – 7.3, dwarf poodles and chyhua – hua by 2.4%. Dogs hunting breeds, among others, the number of fraktur ranked third – 19.5 %. Among them, swearing and 5,0 spaniel – 7.3%. Share fraktur in german shepherds is 12.2 %.
By age more fractures occur in puppies 3–6 months – 29.2 %. Rarely aged 1–3 and 4–7 years 22.0 %. In dogs older than 7 years – 17.0% , and at age 7–12 months. – 9.8 %.
It should be noted that in males the frequency of bone fractures is much higher – 63.4 % than in dogges – 36.6 %. This is due to sexual dominant males.
Depending on body weight fractures of long bones often recorded in dogs weighing 25–45 kg – 31.7 %. Weighing 4 to 10 kg – 29.3 %. Up to 4 kg and 11 to 25 kg – by 19.5 %.
There fore fractures are often recorded in dogs aged 3 to 6 months. Among the various species dominate mestizo – 31.7 %. Fracture often recorded in dogs weighing 25–45 kg – 31.7 %. Localization occupy the first place forearm fractures – 39.0, followed by the femur – 26.9 , in third place tibia – 14.6 %. In males fracture frequency much higher – 63.4 % than in dogges – 36.6 %. Yes, broken bones have the features distribution and localization. Healing time can vary considerably fracture in dogs of all ages, breeds and weights. Therefore, physicians who work in veterinary clinics of the city must consider these features and constantly analyze the prevalence of diseases including surgery.
Key words: dogs, surgical pathology, bone fractures, monitoring.
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