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Supply of iron in piglets with colostrum/milk of sows using iron (IV) clatrochelate
Many works of both Ukrainian scientists and foreign are devoted to the study of the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in piglets as one of the most common non-communicable diseases of pigs. However, the development of new effective antianemic drugs is still relevant today. We have previously proposed a scheme for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia, based on intramuscular parallel administration of solutions of iron (IV) clatrochelate and cyanocobalaminе to pregnant sows 14 and 7 days before the expected farrowing. This scheme was effective in the absence of stillbirth and clinical signs of anemia in piglets. The aim of our next study was to investigate the content of iron in the milk of sows using iron (IV) clatrochelate during pregnancy. To achieve this goal, 2 groups of sows (hybrids of Landrace and Great White breeds) were formed during their pregnancy and kept with suckling piglets - control and experimental, 5 animals in each. Sows in the experimental group were injected twice (14 and 7 days before expected farrowing) with 10 ml of 10% iron (IV) clatrochelate solution and cyanocobalaminе solution (at the dose recommended by official instructions) twice during pregnancy. Sows of the control group were injected with isotonic sodium chloride solution in conventional doses. During the experiment, the sows of the experimental group during pregnancy (after drug administration) and during the feeding of piglets did not differ in behavior and general condition from the sows of the control group. The study of the dynamics of hemoglobin and morphological parameters of the blood of sows in the control and experimental groups did not reveal significant differences. The content of iron in colostrum / milk of sows of the experimental group during the first seven days after administration was significantly higher compared to the control: 1 day 1.5 times, 4 days 2.1 times and 7 days 2.8 times. Therefore, the proposed scheme for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in piglets is highly efficientand based on the intake of iron with colostrum/milk of sows.
Key words: anemia, injection, macrobicyclic complex, prophylaxis, pigs, cyanocobalaminе.
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