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The toxicokinetics of Bromine in the body of laying hens under conditions of subchronic administration of sodium bromide diet

The aim of the scientific work was to study the toxicokinetics of Bromine in the body of laying hens under conditions of subchronic administration of sodium bromide diet. The subject of the study was the content of bromine in the organs and tissues of laying hens under conditions of subchronic administration of sodium bromide diet. The experiment was on laying hens. Three experimental and one control groups of animals were formed (n=15). The background indicator of the Bromine content in the compound feed was 2.0 mg/kg of feed. An aqueous solution of sodium bromide was added daily to the feed of the experimental groups for 28 days, and the observation of the poultry was continued for the next 14 days. The poultry of the experimental groups received bromine with feed at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg, II – 50.0 mg/kg, III – 250.0 mg/kg of feed. The selection of organs was under conditions of euthanasia of the poultry, by total exsanguination, during inhalation chloroform anesthesia on days 14, 28 and 42 of the experiment, 5 animals per group. The following research methods were used in the work: clinical (daily examination of the poultry), pathological (dissection and sampling of organs for research), toxicological (determination of Bromine content using X-ray fluorescence analysis), statistical (processing of the results was carried out by methods of variation statistics using the Statistica 6.0 software ( StatSoft Inc., USA)). It was found that bromine is absorbed most intensively in the small intestine: on the 28th day of the experiment, its content exceeded the control in group I by 6.5 times, in group II – 22 times, in III – 201.1 times. The study of the content of bromine in the liver, spleen, heart, and brain of three experimental groups testifies to the "material" accumulation of the element. In addition to the digestive tract, the excretion of bromine from the body of laying hens occurred through the kidneys, and possibly with exhaled air. In group III, on the 28th day, its content in the kidneys was 23.1 times higher than the control indicator, and on the 14th day in the lungs, the excess of the control indicator was 27.4 times. The excess of the element was not excreted from the body within 14 days after the cessation of the intake of sodium bromide with food. Key words: Bromine, subchronic intake, laying hens, bromine content in organs, toxicokinetics, sodium bromide.


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