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Treatmen of parvovirus gastroenteritis in puppies
The main treatment strategy parvovirus enteritis reduced to maximum support of physiological functions. One of the most important conditions support the physiological status of the organism is its efficient functioning of the immune system. However, treatment should be comprehensive and include causal, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy using hematological and biochemical blood parameters that allow you to assess the patient's condition puppy enable you to assign appropriate therapy, assess the body's response to treatment.
The aim of our study was to determine in the comparative aspect of blood transfusion as the treatment method parvovirus gastroenteritis.
Research was conducted at the veterinary clinic "Valley" Ovidiopol district of Odessa region. The study was conducted at 60 puppies of various breeds, aged between 60–180 days with clinical signs of gastroenteritis.
With sick animals were formed on the principles analogues three research groups of 20 animals each.
Treatment of puppies were conducted by the same scheme in all three groups, as rehydratation therapy applied infusion solutions rheosorbilact and glucose 5 %. In rheosorbilact in dose (50–200 ml) during infusion added the riboksin (1 ml / 10 kg) and after 6–12 hours was conducted infusion of 5 % glucose solution (50–200 ml) in which was administered etamsylate (2 ml) aminovit (5–10 ml) kordiamin (0.3–1.0 ml) subcutaneously and ceftriaxone (30 mg / 10 kg ) intramuscularly, the difference was in immunomodulating therapy.
Analyzing the results of studies on the first experimental group of puppies, we can say that the use of the drug Imunofan subcutaneously at a dose of 1.0 ml, 1 time a day, and symptomatic treatment recovered 17 or 85 % heads, killed 3 or 15 % of puppies treatment duration was 2–5 days. In the second group of animals in which was used blood transfusion of animals – donors once on the first day of treatment recovered 19 or 95 % heads, killed 1 % or 5 heads of puppies, duration of treatment was 1–2 days. In the third experimental group which used symptomatic therapy recovered 8 or 40 %, died 12 or 60 % of the puppies, duration of treatment was 4–7 days.
Analyzing the data, we can say that in the first experimental group, treatment was 2–4 days and recovered 45 % puppies, more than in the third group in which used only symptomatic therapy. Imunofan proved an effective means.
The highest outcome treatment of puppies from parvovirus gastroenteritis was achieved in the second group, treatment duration (1–2 days), 10 % higher than in the first group research and 50 % than in the third group. In the second group method used transfusion from of animals – donors and symptomatic therapy. Donors were vaccinated; during the year in their blood were circulating antibodies against parvovirus infection. Transfused blood was having displaced the body lost blood components, especially leukocytes, strengthened immunological properties of the body of the recipient through the introduction of granulocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes, cytokine, and positively influenced the capillary blood vessels, leading to stop intestinal bleeding.
The lowest result was in third in experimental group of animals, the duration of treatment (days 4–7), in which applied only symptomatic therapy. In this group, only 40 % of recovered animals.
The largest therapeutic effect in the treatment of enteritis parvovirus puppies was achieved as a result of transfusion of animals – donors who were vaccinated during the year, with 95 % of recovered and 5 % puppies were lost, duration of treatment was 1.2 days.
The use of the drug Imunofan (Russia) showed better results compared with the experimental group, while 85 % of recovered and lost 15 % of puppies, duration of therapy was 2–4 days.
Key words: parvovirus gastroenteritis (CPV-2), puppies, blood transfusion, Imunofan, treatment.
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