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The treatment of latent endometritis in cows by deep antiseptics methods
In the current economic conditions in dairy farms latent (hidden) endometritis cows gained mass distribution. Promotes concentration of single-species animal in a limited area. At the same time treatment of cows suffering from latent endometritis, conventional methods is difficult because there are certain limitations in time and choice of chemotherapeutic agents, as antibacterial agents, reducing its nutritional value and safety for human.
The study was conducted on 125 cows that belonged to AF "Petrodolynske" Ovidyopol district of Odessa region, and individual owners of the settlements Bilyaivka, Rozdilnjansky district of Odessa region.
In experimental animals observed symptoms (latent) hidden endometritis, which manifested during sexual arousal cycle, leakage of a small amount of purulent catarrhal or purulent exudate, multiple Deregulation constant and repeated unsuccessful insemination. With sick animals were formed on the principles analogues three research groups of 12 animals each. In the first experimental group was treated with intrauterine drug administration "Yodofoam" (produced in Hungary). The second group was administered a mixture of medicinal drugs (procaine 0.5 % 100 ml + ceftriaxone 2 g + reproduktaza oxytocin 5 ml + 3 ml). The third group of animals was carried out drug treatment "Amoxicillin 15 %" (produced in Spain) under the guidelines for use of the drug. Monitoring results conducted by clinical observation for 60 days watching the display of sexual excitement phase cycle estrus into account the color of mucus and the presence in it of impurities manure, animals fertility cervical recto-method accounting of the results was carried out for 90 days.
All animals were isolated from the herd, milk from them during treatment, taking into account the terms of bottle-feeding calves.
Analyzing the results of research on the first experimental group of animals, we can say that after double intrauterine administration of aerosol drug "Yodofoam" at a dose of 25 ml expressed excitement stage of sexual cycle 9 or 75 % of cows productive fertility 6 or 67% of cows in the second experimental group where was applied intrauterine administer medicines by DD Logvinov in the middle uterine artery showed excitement stage of sexual cycle 12 or 100 % of their productive cows fertility 9 or 75 % – the highest result. For the third experimental group which used "Amoxicillin 15 %" under instructions twice every 48 hours for 20–30 cc intramuscularly showed arousal phase of sexual cycle 7 or 60 %, productive fertility 3 or 43% of the cows.
Total of 36 cows which studied the therapeutic effectiveness of these schemes showed arousal phase of sexual cycle 28 or 78 % of which fertilize 18 or 65 %.
The highest result was obtained in the second experimental group, as the active ingredient of drugs coming into the zone of the pathological process, bypassing the body's natural barriers and operated directly at the tissue level, contributed to this enzyme – reproduktaza, causal effect of the antibiotic ceftriaxone strengthened novocaine solution 0.5 %, which is known for its pathogenic properties. Oxytocin at a dose of 5 mL or 30 IU actions caused a mild reduction in the myometrium, thereby increasing its tone and removal of products from the area of inflammation pathological process.
The largest therapeutic effect in the treatment of latent endometritis cows was achieved through the use of antiseptics deep uterine inside the aorta administered by DD Logvinov, while expressed excitement stage of sexual cycle of cows and 100 % of them productively inseminate 75 % of the cows.
Key words: cow, hidden (latent) endometrium, deep antiseptic, mean uterine artery, intra-uterine administration.
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