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Treatment of wound anaerobic infection in great horned animals: clinical example in a cow
External mechanical problems contribute to a wider problem in the surgical field in dairy cattle. The frequency of early injuries is highest in the limbs, and the lowest in the posterior and tail area. Most often, cows have puncture wounds that are susceptible to infection. Infectious complications of injuries and improper care in the aggregate lead to a decrease in productivity, premature culling of animals, and even to their death. Therefore, the analysis of medical methods and their effectiveness in great horned cattle for the aggravation of a accidental wound with anaerobic infection is also relevant. We looked at the clinical episode of a cow of the 1st or 2nd lactation, which had a puncture wound in the sub-breast area, right next to the subscapular area. The cow tried to overcome the fence and was injured by the end of the rebar. The treatment protocol will first help to stop bleeding, wash the cavity of wound with an antiseptic, add antibacterial powder to it and close it with sutures, internally administer ceftioclene. After the development of infectious-flammable structure in the wound and bacteriological investigation, treatment included washing with H2O2, drainage with Levosin and Nitacid ointment, metronidozole, bicilin 3, and granulation with the granulation of wounds: hydrophobic ointments. This is the basis for the use of systemic antibacterial therapy, rational surgical tactics and drainage, local treatment of active pharmacological agents with antibacterial, analgesic and hyperosmodic agents.
Key words: cow injuries, wounds, purulent inflammation, ointments on hydrophilic bases.
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