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The provision private sector cows with iodine
During the geochemical evolution of the Earth's crust took a significant amount of iodine leaching from most of the land
surface in the oceans, so now the number of the element contained in the soil, is extremely small. Organisms living on the
shores of the seas, not even eating seafood, well stocked with iodine because it - belongs to the volatile elements and can be
acquired through the respiratory tract. It should also be noted that the iodine content in soils is inversely correlated with the
height above sea level.
Iodine is a member of thyroid hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are characterized by a wide range of
regulatory actions, particularly energy metabolism. The amount of iodine, which is used for the synthesis of thyroid hor-
mones, is about 0.4 mg per day calves weighing 40 kg, 1.3 mg - animals weighing 400 kg and 1.5 mg - calf cows. During
lactation production of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland grows: in highly productive cows on their synthesis consumes
4-4.5 mg iodine per day. Production of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland of cows increased when lowering the tempera-
ture, which leads to increased heat in the body.
For a sufficient amount of iodine in feed about 20% of it is absorbed by the thyroid gland, where moderate iodine defi-
ciency in the diet of animals gland absorbs about 30%, and the low content - 65%.
The need for iodine in lactating cows is about 0.8 - 1.0 mg per 1 kg of dry matter feed intake. Cash cow consume 3.5 -
4.0 kg of dry matter of feed per 100 kg. Need mind that there are a number of feed containing hoytroheny - compounds that
inhibit the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones that cause hypothyroidism.
For lack of iodine in the diet of animals in the thyroid gland decreases production of thyroid hormones and slows the rate
of oxidative processes. An important indicator of iodine deficiency is the increase of cancer because of hyper plastic thyroid
hormone action. Negatively affect the body and excess iodine - there is hyperthyroidism.
Iodine, received food from the body in the form of iodide is absorbed in the small intestine and in ruminants, except that
- in the rumen. Since it easily penetrates the blood to various organs and tissues, partially depo in lipids. The most significant
portion of iodine (70-80%), selectively absorbed by the thyroid gland. Iodide is oxidized to molecular iodine, which quickly
binds to residues of thyroglobulin, forming mono- and one dyyodtyrozyn (phase transformation of inorganic to organic io-
dine). In phase condensation is the union of two dyyodtyrozyniv to form T 4 or one mono and one dyyodtyroz to form T 3 .
The main factor regulating synthesis of thyroid hormones, TTG is. For iodine deficiency is insufficient production of
hormones, which has many effects, combined term "iodine deficiency disorders". These consequences include: goiter,
hypothyroidism, growth retardation, impaired reproduction.
Bold iodine from the body is carried out mainly by the kidneys (90 - 98%), because of its excretion in urine correlates
with the supply of iodine.
As a result, studies have found that the concentration of iodine in cows urine overwhelming majority (97.1%) was less
than 70 mg/l, (2.9%) more, but in none of the studied animals not exceed 100 mg/l ( minimum standard). However, it should
be noted that none of the studied animals in clinical studies were found symptoms of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism,
goiter diseases. Obviously, this is due to compensatory capacities of the thyroid gland, which in part uses iodine deficiency as
a result of its recycling (due to enhanced absorption of iodine from the blood). The iodine content in the urine of animals
research group, which used potassium-iodide for two months, was in the range of 100 to 300 mg/l, and the watering to not
exceed 70 mg/l. Thus, we achieved the optimum level of iodine in the body, which is confirmed by the determination of
TTG level in serum of animals experimental group which used potassium iodide averaged 1,81 ± 0,132 mkMO/ml,
which is 28.2% less compared with the control group (p <0.05). Content hormones T 3 and T 4 was higher by 14.0 and 17.3%.
Thus, the increased content of thyroid stimulating hormone in cows in the control group shows the tension adenohypophysis
compensatory mechanisms to normalize the synthesis of hormones, so it is possible that prolonged iodine deficiency can
cause the development of diffuse or nodular hyperplasia.
It should be noted that in the case of potassium iodide within 60 days in the experimental cows observed "positive"
normalization dynamics nutritional status, that number decreased fat, increased milk productivity, increased feed intake,
noted the positive impact on the sexual cycle. Gradual weight loss is not accompanied by increased levels of acetone bodies
than early lactation.
Conclusions and recommendations for further research. 1. The population of cows, heifers, calves of private sector is a
state of iodine deficiency, but lack of iodine does not cause clinically significant thyroid cancer, probably due to its
compensatory possibilities.
2. Semi quantitative determination of urinary iodine is informative and one on the market of Ukraine.
3. Add potassium iodide to the diet in recommended doses causes a positive effect on thyroid function, confirming the
results of the research content of free fractions of T3 and T4. Improving their positive impact on the level of fatness and milk
Prospects for further research are ultrasound and histological study thyroid, because many pathological processes,
including benign tumors, hormone levels may not change, iodine in the soil and feed and their antagonists - fluoride.
Key words: Iodine, thyroid gland, thyroxin, triiodthyronine, cows, calves, heifers.
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