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Clinical and echographic evaluation of the use of platelet-rich fibrin for herniotomy of large hernias in pigs
Abdominal wall hernias are a common pathology in animals that can occur for various reasons, such as trauma, tissue weakness, or genetic abnormalities. However, this can lead not only to significant discomfort for animals, but also to a number of complications that require surgical treatment. The choice of treatment methods depends on a number of factors, in particular, the most important of which are the size of the hernia and the hernial gate. The aim of the study was to evaluate clinically and experimentally the implantation of platelet-rich fibrin into herniated wounds in large hernias in pigs. Control and experimental groups of animals were formed, each of which included pigs with hernias. After general and local anesthesia, herniotomy was performed in the control group by the classical method, and in the experimental group, platelet-rich fibrin was additionally used. During the postoperative period, clinical observations were performed, and Chemi spray was used to treat the sutures until the sutures were removed on day 14. Ultrasonography was performed on days 3, 7, and 14. It was found that in the experimental group, the inflammation phase was shorter (p < 0.05) and was accompanied by less swelling around the surgical wound. The proliferation phase was 1.3 times shorter (p < 0.01) compared to the control group. At the same time, ultrasonographic examination revealed different intensity of proliferative processes, which were characterized by hyperechoic areas on ultrasonograms. On day 7, the area of decreased echogenicity in the control group indicated infiltration with exudate. In the experimental group, hyperechoic areas indicate the formation of a larger volume of fibrous tissue. On day 14, the sonograms of the control group still visualized areas of hypoechogenicity, indicating edema. In contrast, such areas were absent in the experimental group. Implantation of platelet-rich fibrin into a herniated wound provides early and dynamic fibrous sealing of volumetric hernia gates in pigs.
Key words: fibrin, platelets, hernia gate, fibrous sealing, ultrasonography.
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