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Complex method of recovery of cattle from leukemia in farms of Ukraine
Leukemia is diagnosed all over the world – in the USA, Australia, Asia and some countries in Central Europe.
Due to the high level of organization and measures to combat the disease in Belgium, Ireland and Norway livestock capita do not suffer from leukemia. National programs to combat the disease implemented successfully in European countries: Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, the Baltic countries.
In Ukraine, the main measures of prevention and control of bovine leukemia marked by a "Plan of action for recovery of cattle from leukemia in Ukraine" in 1985–1990, 1991–1995, 1996–2000, 2001–2005, 2006–2010.
High levels of prophylactic measures and fight against leukemia of cattle in farms of Ukraine confirmed a significant decrease in intensity of epizootic process and practical recovery of most of the territory of Ukraine.
In 1995 with 11552 households leukemia recorded in 7777, or 67,3%, in the following years the number of these farms is decreasing and in 1996 – 61,5%, 1997 – 53,2%, 1998 – 42,2%, 1999 – 33,1%, 2000 – 23,3%, 2001 – 20,9%, 2002 – 19,7%, 2003 – 22,9%, 2004 – 21,9%, 2005 – 22,7%, 2006 – 26,3%, 2007 – 18,2%, 2008 – 18,0%, 2009 – 11,2%, 2010 – 8,4%, 2011 – 7,4%, 2012 – 5,9%, 2013 – 3,8%.
These data indicate that in the dynamics of the epizootic process extinction phase is clearly observed, confirming the effectiveness of measures to combat leukemia.
Diagnostics of the disease influences on the efficiency of sanitary anti leukemia measures and control of epizootic situation. According to the existing instructions of 21.12.2007, legalized methods of diagnosis are immunodiffusion, ELISA and polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Our analysis of long-term data of recovery of farms using ELISA diagnosis led to the conclusion that this method in the diagnosis of leukemia is a promising and justified, has high sensitivity and specificity, is valuable when dealing with controversial issues in setting ROD makes it possible to identify animals in the early stages and of latent infection. The method is valuable in the final stage of recovery at RID diagnostics can be used to control the epizootic situation for conducting monitoring studies. Using ELISA accelerates recovery of unfavorable farms.
In the system of diagnostics PCR deserves wider use as it can be effectively used for the distribution of calves infected and healthy at the age of 15 days, except as provided research of highly valuable animals and arbitration findings.
Conclusions. 1. Epizootic situation of bovine leukemia if farms of Ukraine for 1995–2013 is characterized by stationary and a clear tendency to decrease of tension.
2. The effectiveness of measures to combat leukemia based on knowledge of the epizootic situation, timely diagnosis and performance of complex organizational, economic, veterinary and sanitary and special laws. Sanitary anti leukemia measures in the farms of Ukraine are effective.
3. Large-scale application in the system diagnostics ELISA and PCR, except RID will recover cattle from leukemia and control the epizootic situation effectively.
Key words: leukemia, cattle, epizootic situation, anti leukemia measures.
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