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Violations clotting mechanisms in the postoperative mammary tumors period in dogs
Malignant tumors of the breast is the leading cancer pathology in females. Breast cancer is one of the most aggressive tumors, characterized by high propensity to metastasize and thrombogenic complications.Given the urgency of the development of new directions in the treatment of breast neoplasia, we conducted a study of coagulopathy mechanisms in animals in the postoperative period. At the same time, in dogs with benign and malignant tumors, defined the dynamics of indicators such as the concentration of soluble fibrin, fibrinogen, duration of activated partial thromboplastin time, total blood fibrinolytic activity.
In the postoperative period recorded significantly meaningful: elevated fibrinogen, soluble fibrin, activated partial thromboplastin time on the background of reduced total fibrinolytic activity. To a greater extent coagulopathy was expressed in malignant lesions. Subsequently, during the 14 days ascertained a tendency to normalization of patients with benign breast tumors in the absence of such changes in animals with malignant neoplasms.
In particular, studies establish that fibrinogen levels in dogs after extirpation of benign tumors was significantly different from the indicators established in patients with malignant neoplasia as well as clinically healthy animals. Thus, after three days in the first case the concentration was 0,93±0,28 g/l, in the second – 0,47±0,06 g/l. Later in dogs with benign fibrinogen level gradually increased, at day 14, ranging within the physiological range. Malignant neoplasia fibrinogen concentration during the period of observation was low. The concentration of soluble fibrin in the case of malignant tumors was increased and the passage of 14 days was 33,18±2,26 mg %, whereas, as in benign tumors, animals were observed to decrease in this figure mg of 8,34±0,28 % (3 days) to 3,56±0,4 mg % (14 days).
Activated partial thromboplastin time after removal of tumors is shortened, remaining below the standard ratios up to 14 days after surgery: fluctuations in benign neoplasias amounted 20,86±0,29 – 24,32 s; malignant – 14,34±1,85 – 34,05±0,99 with a backdrop of significant differences between these groups.
Comparison of pre-and postoperative levels of total fibrinolytic activity was not significantly different, it was reduced relative indicators in clinically healthy animals. Statistically significant difference between the groups was not installed.
In the course of studying the dynamics of hemostatic status after removal of breast neoplasms in dogs found that surgery is further aggravated breach of the hemostatic system. Traumatic surgical intervention in cancer patients, a significant intraoperative blood loss, developing its background adrenergic responses and decrease tissue perfusion are the basis for the development of disseminated coagulation, which adversely affects the postoperative period. Moreover, changes in the hemostatic system largely determine not only during the post-operative period, but the outcome of cancer.
Condition plasmin hemostasis deserves more attention due to the fact that reveals the early hemostatic balance disorders. Identification of elevated blood inclinations to intravascular thrombosis risk factors for thrombosis in various comorbidities in preparing animals for surgery and in the postoperative period remains an urgent problem of hemostasis.
The obtained results allow for a better understanding of these mechanisms, which may ultimately allow the development of more targeted treatment for the prevention of thromboembolic complications in breast tumors in dogs. There are hopes that the antithrombotic strategies can also bring a positive influence on the process of tumor growth and dissemination.
Disruption of the mechanisms of hemostasis in dogs with mammary tumors indicates a high risk of complications and requires hemocoagulation held in the postoperative period directed preventive measures.
Hemostasis profile complements for diagnostic and prognostic factors for breast neoplasia that allow for an objective assessment of the peculiarities of the process.
Key words: tumor, mammary gland, dogs, fibrinogen, soluble fibrin, activated partial thromboplastin time, the total fibrinolytic activity
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