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Bile formation and bile secretion liver function in working dogs
The article presents results of research on the state bile formation and biliary excretion of working dog breeds (German Shepherd breed, Spaniel, Malinois). The increase is established in the concentration of bile acids (BA) in the blood of dogs before feeding and 2 hours after. The changes could be used as the earliest tests for the detection of liver diseases with subclinical course.
Quantification of bile acids in blood serum is specific and sensitive test for the detection of hepatobiliary disease. The sensitivity of the test is increased if the definition of cholats is provided before and 2 hours after feeding. In fact the liver supports the functional activity for the synthesis of bile acids. Therefore, the increased concentrations of circulating bile acids confirm hepatobiliary disease.
As a result of research, authors found the concentration in serum ВА of German Shepherd dogs was within 1,9–20,6 mkmol/l (6,0±0,66 mkmol/l) before feeding, in 7 animals (15,9 %) was higher than physiological norm (10 mkmol/l). In serum of Spaniel dogs BA were in the average 9,0±1,82 mkmol/l (2,6–24,1 mkmol/l). Larger concentrations of BA set in 5 animals (33,3 %). In Malinois dogs bile acid content was within 3,8−14,6 mkmol/l and an average was 6,9±1,65 mkmol/l, only one animal (16,7 %) revealed increased their concentration.
The concentration of cholats in serum of German Shepherd dogs in two hours after feeding animals were 14,3±1,97 mkmol/l (5,8−71,1 mkmol/l) and were significantly higher (p<0,001) compared with the rate before feeding.
Increased content of ВА recorded in serum of 7 (15,9 %) German Shepherd dogs (according to the physiological norm to 20,0 mkmol/l).
In serum of Spaniel dogs concentration of ВА was within 7,3−58,3 mkmol/l (20,3±3,96 mkmol/l), increased content of cholats detected in 5 (33,3 %) animals. Average values of content of cholats in Spaniel dog serum were significantly (p<0,01) higher than before feeding.
In Malinois dog the concentration of BA in 2 hours after feeding average was 11,1±3,27 mkmol/l (4,8–26,8 mkmol/l). Increased level of cholats in serum recorded in one (16,7 %) animal. Concentration of ВА in serum of Malinois dog increased to 26,8 mkmol/l and was about 61% higher compared with before feeding .
Increased concentrations of ВА in serum of animals before and after feeding can be explained violation conjugation and excretion of BA by hepatocytes in bile capillaries and the development of intrahepatic cholestasis. The increase of bile acids found both, before and in two hours after feeding in the same animals of each breed, which may indicate the development of their liver disease.
Therefore, this test confirmed the concentration of ВА in serum of dogs is sensitive to disruption biliary liver function that could help in diagnosing and predict their course.
Conclusion. 1. The concentration of ВА in blood serum of 15,9% German Shepherd Dogs, 33,3 % Spaniel dogs and 16,7 %, Malinois dogs is set to increase before and in 2 hours after feeding. 2. Higher concentrations of ВА in blood serum may indicate the development of liver pathologies in the working dog breeds. These indicators can be used as informative markers for early stages of development of hepatobiliary pathology.
Key words: dogs, liver, bile acids.
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