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The indexes of lipids and lipoproteins metabolism in serum blood of domestic cats at the mammary breast cancer
Last time the interest of practicing veterinaries to the problem of clinical oncology has increased very much. The mammary breast cancer was selected as this disease has been the most common (the second place in another oncological diseases). In Ukraine, in contrast to many countries of the world, across-animals castration does not involved in breeding and that is a reason why the incidence of mammary breast cancer is too much higher. In human medicine there are not numerous dates about the change in the spectrum of lipids and the relationship of these changes to the nature of the mammary breast disease. So, the highest values of total cholesterol and triglycerides in the serum of women are tested in mammary breast cancer. There is information about the special role of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) concentrations in mammary breast diseases. The high level of this fraction is observed while testing mastopathy and mammary breast cancer. Although the reason for these changes is still not clear, some authors propose to consider HDL as one of metabolic markers in mammary breast cancer.
The aim of our study was to determine the level of lipids and lipoproteins in the serum blood of cats with malignant neoplasm, and comparison of these data with the nature of lipidogramme of clinically healthy cats.
The blood serum of patients animals with mammary breast cancer was taken from lateral vein. Serum was determined for the content of total cholesterol, triglycerides, cholesterol HDL (high density lipoprotein), cholesterol LDL (low density lipoprotein), cholesterol VLDL (very low density lipoprotein). Each of the analysis of blood serum was run on the biochemical analyzer Cobas INTEGRA 400 plus, reagent Swiss company «Hoffman – La Roche LTD. Forty five domestic cats were examined with mammary breast cancer and 20 clinically healthy pets.
The concentration of total cholesterol in serum blood of the domestic cats with mammary breast cancer is increasing 2 times (p<0,001) in comparison with parameters of clinically healthy animals. In some animals indicator reaches the significant value that exceeds the average value in this group, as can be seen by the variety of indices limits (upper limit is 12,41 mmol/l). The analysis of lipid shows that the concentration of HDL cholesterol increases compared with the control group in 2,1 times with a high degree of reliability (p<0.001), and shows significant variation in the values of these indicators in the entire study group (Lim 1,54–9,95 mmol/l). The concentration of HDL cholesterol is increasing 2,1 times too in comparison with the control group (p<0,01). As well as in the analysis of the above indicators there is determined a wide range of fluctuations of this test values (0,19–5,56 mmol/l). The concentration of LDL cholesterol is 1,5 times higher than in the control group (p<0,01), with a significant range of fluctuations (0,04–1,20 mmol/l).
The concentration of triglycerides in serum blood of the animals with mammary breast cancer exceeds the value of the control group in 1,47 times (p<0,01), while the fluctuation range (0,08–2,62 mmol/l).
Similar data are found in humane medicine. So it was reported that women with neoplasm parameters of lipid metabolism were significantly higher then those for the women with in malignant. From point of view, the nature of the disease mammary breast cancer (malignant course of cancer) has a much stronger influence on the metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins than age and the presence of menopause. The level of LDL increases largely and that can be considered as one of the criteria of malignant tumor growth. Thus, the statistically significant increase of the level of serum lipids and lipoproteins in 1,5–2 times is found at the domestic cats with the mammary breast cancer compared with clinically healthy animals.
The research results will be used in the study of the pathogenesis and diagnosis of benign and malignant mammary breast tumors in domestic cats.
Key words: domestic cats, mammary breast tumors, lipids, lipoproteins, diagnostic.
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