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The influence of the types of higer nervous activity on the level of transferases in the pig’s blood serum
The level of metabolic processes in the liver can be assessed by the activity of enzymes, namely aspartataminotransferase (AsAT) and alaninaminotransferase (AlAT), which are involved in the metabolism of amino acids. AsAT catalyzes the transamination reaction between aspartate and α- ketoglutarate, resulting in the formation of oksaloatsetat and glutamate. AsAT exists in cytoplasmic and mitochondrial forms. AlAT catalyzes the transamination reaction between alanine and α-ketoglutarate to form pyruvic and α-glutamic acid. Transamination is also the final stage of the synthesis of amino acids from the corresponding α-ketoacids, resulting in a redistribution of aminonitrogens in the tissues of the body. Transamination is the first stage of the deamination of amino acids and keto acids, which are oxidized in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and used for the synthesis of glucose and ketone bodies.
Coordination of organs and systems, maintaining homeostasis, adaptation of the organism to the conditions of internal and external environment and purposeful behavior of animals are ensured by the conditioned reflexes of the higher nervous system. Collection of various individual characteristics of neural processes determined by heredity of the animal and its previous life experience, influences the type of higher nervous activity (HNA). The type of HNA interacts with the production environment and may influence the productivity. That is why our main purpose was to investigate the activity of AsAT and AlAT as indicators of amino acid metabolism and functional state of the liver in pigs with different types of higher nervous activity.
The article shows the impact of higher nervous activity on the AsAT and AlAT activity in blood serum of pigs. There was found that the highest activity of AlAT was observed in pigs with the strong balanced inert type (SBI), and the lowest in animals with weak (W) unbalanced type. The highest activity of a AsAT was in pigs with strong balanced rolling type, and the lowest in a weak type animals. It was noted that the activity of AlAT in 5–6 months pigs was higher than the physiological norm. We assume that this was associated with their more intensive process of growth and metabolism.
Ritisa coefficient was higher in SBI and W types of pigs that was due to greater activity of AsAT. This may be an indication of the greater intensity of metabolic processes in the body of these animals.
Conclusions. It was found that the levels of AsAT and AlAT are different in pigs with different strength, balance and mobility of nervous processes.
There was established that the strength of cortical processes do not affect the activity of AlAT in animals with different types of HNA. It should also be noted that the activity of AlAT in pigs 5-6 months of age is higher than the physiological norm that is probably associated with more intensive process of growth and metabolism.
It is also evident that the strength of nervous processes has an impact on the activity of AsAT in serum of pigs of different types of HNA. Its highest values were recorded in animals with strong balanced innert type, and the lowest in the animals with the weak type of HNA. The Ritisa coefficient in pigs with SBI and SU type of HNA was within the physiological norm.
Thus, the activity of AlAT and AsAT in serum of pigs depends on the type of higher nervous activity. There was found that the highest activity of AlAT was observed in animals with SBI type, and the lowest in SU type of pigs. There was also found that the AsAT enzyme activity was the largest in the SBI type, and the lowest in weak type of pigs.
Key words: higher nervous activity, pigs, serum, transferases.
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