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Influence of pathogens demodekosisand otodektosis on biochemical indices of sick dogs blood
In modern terms domestic carnivores are human companions in life and in all areas of its operations. A dog is not just a friend of man, but also companion in civilian life and invaluable assistant in extreme conditions. In many cases domestic carnivores are members of the family of the modern city dweller, and so their health is a constant concern of man. Among domestic carnivores are registered diseases, not unique to these types of animals, but also common to other animals and humans.
The most common among dogs registered ektoparasitic invasive diseases caused Acariformes, namely otodektosis, sarcoptosis and demodecosis. Akaroses of dogs spread in large cities in Ukraine and abroad.
Dissertation work is made during 2013–2015 years at the Scientific Laboratory of Parasitology of Department of Parasitology and Veterinary Examination of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Poltava State Agrarian Academy. Some studies conducted at the Kremenchug City State Veterinary Hospital and Veterinary Laboratory.
In the experiment used 15 dogs of mixed breeds aged from 6 months to 5 year, belonging to residents of Kremenchug. Since they were formed in three groups of animals by 5 dogs each: a control (clinically healthy dogs) and two research (5 dogs – affected otodekteses, 5 dogs – affected demodexes). Blood for biochemical studies were obtained from the lateral saphenous vein forelimb morning before feeding.
Statistical analysis of experimental results carried out by determining the arithmetic mean (M) and its error (m) and the level of probability (p) using the table Student’s t-test.
As a result received data revealed that the course of demodecosis and otodektosis characterized by significant changes in serum of infested dogs.
For demodecosis in serum of patients dogs registered a significant reduction of albumin to 9,8 % (27,6±0,7 g/l, Р<0,05) increase content of globulin on 11,74 % (46±1,73 g/l, Р<0,05), creatinine on 10,8 % (79,6±1,02 mmol/l, Р<0,01), cholesterol on 18,24 % (4,44±0,16 mmol/l, Р<0,01) compared with rates in clinically healthy dogs (respectively 30,6±0,87 g/l, 40,6±0,4 g/l, 71±2,28 mmol/,l 3,63±0,15 mmol/l). However, the increased content of total bilirubin in 3,27 times (19,6±2,37 mmol/l, Р<0,001). This increase was due to increased content of direct – in 2,78 times (5±0,94 mmol/l, Р<0,05) and indirect bilirubin – in 3,48 times (14,6±1,56 mmol/l, Р<0,001).
For otodektosis change parameters in serum of patients dogs were similar than demodecosis, decreased albumin content on 9,15 % (27,8±0,58 g/l, Р<0,05), increased content of globulin on 11,74 % (46±1,30 g/l, Р<0,01), creatinine ont 8,03 % (77,2±1,24 mmol/l, Р<0,055), cholesterol on 17,87 % (4,42±0,14 mmol/l, Р<0,01). Also recorded increase of total bilirubin in 2,83 times (17±2,02 mmol/l, Р<0,001), including: content direct – in 2,67 times (4,8±0,91 mmol/l, Р<0,05) and indirect – in 2,9 times (12,2±1,42 mmol/l, Р<0,001) bilirubin.
At the same time in the blood serum of patients with demodecosis dogs increased enzyme activity (Table 2): ALT in 1,53 times (49,6±4,94 U/l, Р<0,01), AST – in 1,15 times (49,6 1,4 U/l, Р<0,01), GGT – in 2,19 times (11,8±1,01 U/l, Р<0,001) and a-amylase – in 1,34 times (1924,4±47,66 U/l, Р<0,001).
Also in the blood serum of infested by otodekteses dogs increase occurred of activity: ALT (in 1,47 times, Р<0,01), GGT (in 1,93 times, Р<0,001), a-amylase (in 1,3 times, Р<0,001).
Thus, the nature of the biochemical changes in the blood serum of dogs suffering from demodecosic and otodektosic dermatitis, namely hipoalbunemiya, heperhlobulinemiya, hyperenzymemia, hyperbilirubinemia, increased content creatinine, indicating the presence of pathological processes in internal parenchymatous organs caused by parasites mites and their livelihoods. These changes indicate damage to the integrity of mitochondrial membranes and systems of bile secretion of hepatocytes.
Key words: dogs, demodecosis, otodektosis, blood serum, biochemical parameters.
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