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Ozone therapy is safety alternative of antibiotic therapy
Violation of requirements on the use of drugs or non-withdrawal of their period of animals before slaughter ultimately is dangerous to human health. In practice veterinarian has a large number of treatment regimens animals for various diseases. However, providing highly effective, safe and not harmful for the treatment of an animal and animal products is the main task of the doctor. Antibiotics, sulfonamides, analgesics, hormones, desensitizing agents for decades occupied and occupy leading place in treatment regimens. However, it is well known that in addition to therapeutic action, most of these drugs cause negative effects on the body. Today one of the most promising methods is the ozone, it refers to the natural ecological treatments.
Conducted analysis of published data on the use of ozone therapy and its impact on the body of sick animals and safety of animal products. Currently, the results of experimental and clinical studies allow convincingly justify the issue of effective and safe use of ozone therapy for the majority of therapeutic diseases.
Ozone high efficiency, lack of side effects and contraindications of various species. At the same time ozone dose-dependent as any medication means, while in clinical practice using low concentrations of ozone in relation to the quantities of toxic industrial compounds. For therapeutic effect of different concentrations of ozone has a different character possessing antimicrobial, fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-hypoxic and detoxification action, allowing its use for many pathological conditions of animals.
In 1895 in Germany was established Institute oxygen therapy for the first time in history was carried parenteral ozone animals. German doctors had observed that the treatment of wounds gaseous mixture of ozone warned fester and contribute to more rapid healing.
In veterinary practice, ozone is used for treatment of some pathological states including surgical, obstetric, therapeutic and dental disease in a gas mixture, ozonized liquids and oils. Ozonized liquid is used both for local and for general use.
In veterinary practice, ozone is used as an ozone-oxygen mixture, which is composed of purified medical oxygen through its decomposition medical facilities. Today a new generation of ozone generator is a device "Ozone UM-80" (Ukraine). The device operates in the set automatically controls and maintains the ozone concentration of 0.2 to 80 mg/L, which enables physicians to conduct dose-dependent ozone therapy.
Numerous studies claim that ozone is environmentally friendly and safe method of treatment, in addition, it has the capacity for accumulation in the body, does not affect the liver, kidneys or other organs.
Ozone gained widespread use for the treatment of obstetrical animal diseases. Residue of antibiotics, synthetic hormones and prostaglandins. Established that for any input methods antibiotics, nitrofurans and sulfonamides are able to accumulate in animals and long time kept in livestock products.
Therefore, the current state of veterinary medicine characterized by increasingly assertive introduction of the practice of environmentally friendly methods of prevention and treatment of various diseases of animals. In this regard, the author of the work used ozone therapy using plant oil and intrauterine ozonized saline solution intravenously in the complex regimen that accelerated the recovery of sick cows with acute endometritis twice the fertility of 94.7 %.
Ozonized sunflower oil is also used for the treatment of mastitis in cows. It found antibacterial properties ozonized oil on Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli. The authors found that the total ozone positive effect on physical and chemical characteristics of milk. In general, the use of ozone therapy helped to improve the efficiency of therapeutic procedures 8.4–17.5 % and shorten recovery animals.
Oral ozonized colostrum and parenteral administration of ozonized solution 0.9 % NaCl newborn calves helped to increase natural resistance, increase in globulin, without entailing negative effects on biochemical parameters of blood.
Ozone therapy is also used for respiratory diseases, including the treatment of catarrhal bronchopneumonia of calves and pigs.
In surgery, the animals used ozone therapy treatment of inflammatory processes of various nature or origins. In addition to treatment, ozone is used to kill pathogens and microorganisms in premises where animals are kept. Since microorganisms located in the premises can cause some diseases, such as: salmonella, bronchitis, pneumonia and others. Annual damage that caused to livestock illness or death of animals is 15 % of total production. Scientifically proved that as a result of artificial ozone air to prevent disease in animals virtually eliminated diseases of the respiratory system.
Animal health is directly related to the quality of meat and the amount of the final product. Thus, the use of ozone technology in livestock allows farmers not only reduce production costs, reduce environmental impact on the environment, increase production, but also to supply the market with high quality products, safe for human health.
Key words: ozone, ozone treatment, disease, animal, safety.
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