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Morphological features of the hens esophagus and crop in age aspect
Knowledge of the morphological features of the body structure of birds, including the digestive tract, is the basis for rational and effective use of feed, prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in poultry.
The purpose of the work. The aim of the research was to study morphological characteristics of the esophagus and crop in clinically healthy chickens, to establish histostructural features of the structure of organs on the cellular, tissue levels, in the age aspect. To conduct a histomorphometric evaluation of the morphological structures of the anterior part of the intestinal tube in hens from 1 to 180 days of age.
Material and methods. Material for research was taken from 42 heads of clinically healthy chickens. Birds of 1, 15, 30, 60, 90, 150, and 180 days of age were studied. The work was carried out at the Department of Anatomy and Histology of the Zhytomyr National Agroecological University. Anatomical and histological research methods were used in this work. During the work, common methods of morphological research were used.
Results of research and discussion. An analysis of our organometric studies shows that the absolute weight of the esophagus of chickens, depending on age, in the process of growth and development of animals, increases. The dynamics of the relative mass of the esophagus in chickens of different age groups varies asynchronously. Indicators of absolute and relative weight of crop of chickens, in contrast to the esophagus, vary in direct proportion.
The histoarthectonics of the esophagus and chicken crop in the postnatal period of ontogenesis is similar, but it has certain differences in age-related morphometric parameters. According to morphological features, the largest thickness of the esophagus wall in the chickens of the studied age groups is found in the cervical part of it.
In the thoracic part of the esophagus, the epithelium of the mucous membrane is less developed than in the cervix: the maximum value in 90-day chickens, after which the growth of the thickness slows down. Crop, unlike the esophagus, has a less pronounced relief of the mucous membrane. The average covering epithelium of the organ is more pronounced than in the lumbar region of the esophagus.
According to our research, the thickness of the internal circular muscle layer of the muscle is much larger than the outer longitudinal, both in the esophagus and the will.
Key words: organometric studies, morphometric indices, microstructure, chickens, experimental group, esophagus, crop.
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