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Determination of the stability of the biological properties of the vaccine strain Bac. anthracis UA-07 in production conditions
In the world, among animals and humans, there is the problem of infectious anthrax disease. The WHO provides persistent reports of anthrax disease in different countries. A large number of scholars and scientists are involved in the study of cases of disease, epidemiology, prevention, treatment and their improvement. One of the main issues is the development of effective preventive measures, which in turn will reduce the cost of the disease. The use of modern vaccines made from harmless, avirulent strains – is considered as a direction of development of prevention, which will improve the epizootic situation.
On the territory of Ukraine and other countries, there are a large number of burial places of patients, both animals and people on anthrax, which are in an improper condition in accordance with modern requirements. In this regard, there is a constant risk of the emergence of new cases of anthrax disease. The need for our territory is to improve and develop a quality response, prevention and treatment system due to an outbreak of an infectious disease. In this regard, it is necessary to develop and develop new approaches to the development of vaccine drugs against the anthrax of animals. To achieve this, it's important to get a new strain to make the vaccine. The results of their own studies suggest that the use of Bacillus anthracis UA–07 for the production of a vaccine for the prevention of anthrax in animals.
The purpose of the study was to study the stability of the biological properties of the Bacillus anthracis UA–07 vaccine strain under production conditions.
Vaccine strain Bacillus anthracis UA–07, microorganism of the genus Bacillus, species anthracis, immobile, rod-positive gram, optional anaerobes. On a dense nutrient medium, Hottinger grew in the form of R-shaped colonies.
During the conduct of 20 passages through the Hoottinger broth, the constancy of the cultural properties of the investigated strain was revealed. Growth in a liquid medium was in the form of a "piece of cotton", which was relatively difficult to shatter when shaking.
Seeding by the method of "prick" into the thickness of the environment TTH revealed a lack of mobility of culture throughout the study period.
As a result of the "pearl necklace" test, spherical forms of the cells of the pathogen Bacillus anthracis UA–07, located in the form of chains resembling a pearl necklace, were found on the medium containing penicillin. On the control medium without penicillin cells Bac. anthracis formed long chains of typical sticks.
Twenty-fold passages of the strain studied through the nutrient medium of the MPA with serum did not lead to the formation of a capsule by the pathogen Bacillus anthracis UA–07. During the microscopy of dasgs-smears and dasg-impressions, only the rod-shaped, non-encapsulated cells were detected.
Ten-fold passages of the Bacillus anthracis UA–07 vaccine strain caused by the bacteria in a dose of 10 billion/cm3 did not result in the appearance of a capsule in the bacteria found on the studied smears and sputum preparations, liver, lung, and heart blood.
Investigations on guinea pigs, with the introduction of 10 billion cultures, found that Bacillus anthracis UA–07 after a 3-time repetition of the previous passage was not isolated from the body of mollusks. These data indicate that the strain is stable and in the body of mull cells does not turn into virulent state. In the study of residual virulence in mice, it was found that subcutaneous administration of cortisone causes a decrease in the protective properties of an organism of animals, and the dose of the causative agent with a concentration of 1 billion/cm3 causes their death, but without the formation of capsules and.
With multiple transplants on nutrient dense and liquid media, the growth of the Bacillus anthracis UA–07 vaccine strain is consistent and consistent with the growth of the pathogen. Multiple sows through the body of laboratory animals (mollusks, mice) do not cause a change in the morphological and cultural properties of the strain Bacillus anthracis UA–07. Vaccine strain Bacillus anthracis UA–07 has stable biological properties and can be used in further studies to create the vaccine.
Key words: anthrax, stability, biological properties, Bacillus anthracis, strain, mice, guinea pigs, sowing, cultivation.
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