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Influence of domestic vitamin-aminocylletic complex «Alрhabet for animals» for the exchange of microelements in broilers-chikens
The article presents the results of domestic trials of vitamin and amino acid preparation "Animal Alphabet" for iron, zinc, manganese and copper in the serum of broiler chickens cross COBB 500 in terms of training and production center Bilotserkivskyi National Agrarian University. The use of vitamin and amino acid complex "Animal Alphabet" in the recommended dose of 1 ml / l of water, significantly increases the level of zinc in serum of broiler chickens of experimental group after the third selection of blood (after the second 7-day use of the drug) 160,0±4,92 mg/100 ml) compared to the start of the study to 6,7 % (p<0,05) and measure the second (after the first 7-day watering drug) 123,0±3,83 mg/100 ml – 23,1 % (p<0.001). Most changes were indicative of vitamin and amino acid complex Alphabet Animal comparing the exchange of zinc content in the blood serum of chickens research group of the third selection to control where the index increased by 13,4 % (p<0,05) changes manganese had a similar trend: for second selection blood concentrations increased by 34,9 % (p<0,05) and was 18,3±2,10 mg/100 ml, the third by 25,5 % (p<0,05) 16,0±1,15 μg/100 ml. Difference between experimental and control groups at the end of the experiment increased by 28.9% (p<0,05) and was (159±1,15 mg/100 ml).
One of the most important scientific and practical problems of modern poultry farming is the issue of vitamin and mineral supply of poultry. Microcells are vital substances, which act mainly as catalysts of many enzyme and hormonal systems, and they interact closely with vitamins. However, in the literature there is a small amount of information on the physiological effect of some microelements in the body of the bird for the different supply of its fat-soluble vitamins. Cuprum, zinc and manganese are essential elements for the development and growth of chicken broilers. Due to zinc deficiency, there are dermatitis, lack of appetite, diarrhea, growth retardation, visual impairment and limb defects, and occurs a shortage of manganese. Absorption of zinc in the small intestine is inhibited by vitamin A deficiency. For normal zinc metabolism, constant intake of vitamins A, C, B1 and BC is required. However, manganese directly does not affect the level of fat-soluble vitamins, its action indirectly affects the activity of SE-dependent enzymes, which is closely related to the exchange of zinc. Combined with iron, copper and cobalt, manganese is involved in tissue respiration, has an effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates and increases the effectiveness of vitamins C and B1. It should also be noted that vitamin D is associated with improved absorption of important elements such as iron, zinc and copper. The research has established a close interaction between trace elements and vitamins, which provides a dynamic equilibrium between them.
Today, the veterinary market is closely linked to the market for human medicine, and together they form the pharmaceutical market. In 2017, the Ukrainian veterinary pharmaceutical industry has mastered modern technologies for obtaining competitive medicines and their research and production testing and registration. It is suggested to use new forms of micro and macro elements, vitamins and vitamin-like substances, probiotics, complex carbohydrates, acidifying and preservatives of feed, preparations that improve digestion and absorb nutrients (enzymes, phytoextracts, essential oils, etc.). High prophylactic efficacy was proved by the presentation of the drug – Decavit, which reduced the number of broilers with signs of perorus . The efficiency of the use of chelating compounds of cuprum and zinc with methionine, lysine and glycine, as well as Zn-Nano-Methionine and Zn-Nano-Max, have been shown to have a positive effect on the exchange of zinc in chicken broilers. The use of vitamin-mineral preparation "BTF plus" for broiler chickens stimulates metabolic processes in the chicken body, and promotes more intensive growth and development of young birds. Drugs Carnivate and Introvit ES100 improve the metabolism of chicken broilers. Adding the phytase enzyme positively affects the assimilation of trace elements in poultry. For the supplementation of the bird organism with mineral substances and trace elements, a feed supplement of Miafos, which contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt and high-quality emulsifiers, can be used.
Trace elements with high biological activity because of lack of nutrition can cause structural and functional changes in animals, and their excess has toxic effects. Thus, homeostasis of trace elements is an integral part of the metabolism of the body as a whole. Metabolism of one or more minerals causes metabolic disorders primarily protein, lipid and vitamin and mineral metabolism. This entails a very heavy and irreversible changes in bone, liver, endocrine system, which usually reduces the productivity of animals and completed their culling.
Key words: broiler chickens, Alphabet for animals, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, copper.
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