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Microscopic changes in the thin jejunum of puppies in experimental influence by parovirus isolate, cultivated in heterological cultures of cells
The article presents the results of the study of histological changes in the duodenal ulcers, the empty and iliac gut of dogs for experimental infection with parvovirus enteritis. The histological examination of the small intestine, selected from corpses (n=5) of puppies, mestible labrador with unborn, was infected with field isolate of parvovirus cultured on heterologous cell cultures (baby hamster kidney (BHK-21), rabbit kidney (RK-13) and kidney pig (SPEV). The presence of parvovirus, without other associate in experimental animals, is confirmed by ELISA and system test based on solid phase ELISA.
The purpose of this work was to study and characterize the microscopic changes in the small intestine for experimental contamination of dogs by parvovirus enteritis.
The work was carried out at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Zhytomyr National Agroecological University (ZNAEU). Anatomy of the animals was carried out in the special laboratory of the Department of Anatomy and Histology. The material of the study was pathological material taken during the pathoanatomical dissect of the puppies (n=5), after experimental infection and euthanasia. The thin section of the intestine, the duodenum, the empty and the ileum were investigated. The main method used in the work was a histological study, and a description of the microstructural changes in the tissues of the organs.
During histological studies, we found that in the lumen of the duodenum, the hunger and the iliac gut there is a large amount of cellular detritus, among which were recorded separate fragments of the epithelium and semi-destroyed cells. In many cells of the epithelium, which were found among cellular detritus, eosinophilic inclusions were recorded, and some of the nuclei were completely eosinophilic.
The microscopic changes of the small intestine wall in its various departments were similar, but somewhat different in intensity – the duodenum was the least affected, while the degree of damage in the jejunum was similar. However, the degree of lesion of the mucous membrane of the small intestine was different, even in its adjacent segments ( then, lesions of the mucous membrane were segmental).
In the small intestine, the puppies with experimental infection with parvovirus isolate cultured in the heterologous culture of the cells of the lesions have a segmental nature: in some areas the villi have not been altered, on the other – with bare tops, in the third case – partially or almost completely destroyed. Crypts are disorganized, partially or completely destroyed. The degree of disorganization and destruction of the crypts clearly correlates with the degree of destruction of the villi. Local reaction of the system of specific immunity is characterized by hypertrophy of isolated and congested lymphoid nodes. Locally there are small cells of lymphocyte necrosis. There is also swelling and hyperemia of the submucosal basis, grainy dystrophy of smooth muscle cells of the muscular plate of the mucous membrane and muscle. In the nuclei of villi epitheliocytes and crypt, as well as in the nuclei of lymphocytes, eosinophilic inclusions of the corpuscles are detected.
Key words: canine parvoviridae, histological changes, duodenum, jejunum, ileum.
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