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Methods for determining optimal insemination time in nutrients
The implementation of the state agrarian policy provides for the creation of modern production technologies based on fundamentally new theoretical and practical research and scientifi c and technical solutions that will ensure the dynamic development of various livestock industries. Low cost of maintenance, high reproduction, resistance to diseases of various etiologies – these are exactly the criteria that nutraceuticals meet. Nutria are herbivorous, multiple polycyclic animals that multiply combine periods of lactation and pregnancy. Thus, with minimal costs for feed, the farm has the opportunity to make high profi ts. Breeding nutria is cost-eff ective and requires a more detailed study, the development of this industry in all regions of Ukraine. When breeding nutria in closed conditions, the reproductive ability of young females decreases by 20–30%. Research in the direction of the reproductive function of female nutria is practically not conducted, therefore, the study of this issue is relevant. In this article, we analyzed the methods for diagnosing the optimal insemination time for nutria, taking into account their shortcomings and ease of use, and found that the earlier methods used (before 2000) have many shortcomings, as a result of which farms receive less profi t due to death, as well as spoiled quality of fur and skins during fi ghts between animals. The use of a male probe provides not only a benefi cial eff ect on the development of the reproductive system of female nutria, but also allows timely determination of the optimal time for insemination of female nutria. The disadvantage of this method is the cost of drugs for epididiotomy and the postoperative period. Colpocytoscopy is an inexpensive, convenient, non-traumatic, and highly accurate method for determining the optimal insemination period in female nutria.
Key words: nutria, reproductive cycle, puberty, male probes, insemination, colpocytoscopy.
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