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Dynamics of hemostasiological parameters in cows during pregnancy, after birth and in obstetric, gynecological and orthopedic pathology
It is established that the physiological course of the gestational process occurs with the intensification of coagulation processes in the hemostasis system with thrombophilia, which has a two–phase nature – from the first month of pregnancy to the seventh and in the period of 2–3 days to calving with a peak of hypercoagulation by 2–5 that day after birth. The activation of hemostasis components is correlated with a high level of natural anticoagulant protein C and increased fibrinolysis activity through tissue plasminogen activator, which is controlled by a high level of its type I inhibitor. The main hemostasiological criteria are the levels: in phase I – fibrinogen 4,9–6,1 g/l, soluble fibrin about 0,04 g/l, activated partial thromboplastin time 38,1–39,7 s, functionally inactive forms prothrombin 0,88 ± 0,2 mg/ml in the first month of pregnancy; in phase II – fibrinogen 5,1–7,0 g/l, soluble fibrin about 0,01 g/l, functionally inactive forms of prothrombin 0,17 ± 0,05 mg/ml and protein C 72,0 ± 1,4 % after childbirth. In obstetric and gynecological pathology, the hypercoagulable state is aggravated to consumption coagulopathy, which is reflected in high plasma levels of soluble fibrin – 0,064 ± 0,005 g/l, fibrin / fibrinogen cleavage products – 7,5 ± 0,4 μg/ml, functionally inactive forms of prothrombi. – 1,90 ± 0,34 mg/ml and inhibitor of tissue plasminogen activator type I – 45,8 ± 0,9 IU/ml at the lowest level of tissue plasminogen activator – 0,38 ± 0,08 IU/ml (according to the norms 1,1–1,3 IU/ml) and protein C deficiency – <70%. Hypercoagulation in pregnant cows with purulent– necrotic lesions of the extremities is exacerbated by more pronounced hyperfibrinogenemia, an increase in its metabolites by 2,7 times (p<0,05) and a decrease in the activity of F XIII by 1,3 times (p<0,05) and the amount in the blood of proteinase inhibitor α2–M – 1,6 times (p<0,05). At the same time, the hypercoagulation syndrome in cows with obstetric and gynecological pathology due to its comorbidity with orthopedic not only intensifies, which is expressed in an increase in the level of hyperfibrinogenemia by 1,2 times (p<0,05), reduction of general coagulation tests by 1,3–2,1 times (p<0,001) and a decrease in the activity of FXIII in 1,2–1,3 (p<0,05), but is complicated by a decrease in the antiproteinase potential of the blood in 1,6–1,8 times.
Key words: cows, pregnancy, obstetric, gynecological pathology, purulent-necrotic lesions in the area of fingers, hemostasiological indicators.
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