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Changes of calf rumen qualitative and qualitative microflora content under the influence of sulfur amino acids
For a long tame it was believed that ruminant rumen microorganisms can synthesize enough number of mycrobal albumin, which provides an organism needs for nonessential and essential amino acids. Yet the limiting amino acids, existent in the rations, were not considered. Young cattle is often lacking sulfur amino acids: methionine and cystine. The microflora presence and activity in young cattle rumen is the indication of normal enzymatic processes in the organ. The additional introduction of sulfur amino acids: methionine and cystine to young cattle diet promoted the increase of various and enzymatic activity. As the result there was established a better digestion of nutrients included in the calves diet.
Key words: sulfur amino acids, cattle, microflora, rumen, methionine, cystine, мicroorganisms.
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