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Clinical and hematological status of swine with white-muscle disease
There was established the existence of symmetrical, not painful edemas near the basis of tail in pregnant sows that indicate the deviation of mineral and vitamin exchange. The deviation may lead to the birth of the weak piglets that are prone to the development of white-muscle disease. In the affected sows there were found oligocytemy, oligochromemy (in 80 %), decrease of hematocrite value, macrocytosis, hypoproteinemia, hipoalbuminemia, hyperbeta- and gammaglobulinemia (in 60 %) and hyperfermentamia of AsAT. The white-muscle diseases in newborn piglets were evident by hypоrexia, anemic skin and mucus membranes, ataxia, decrease in tactile and pain susceptibility: at one month age – bronchopneumonia and gastroenteritis. There was established oligocytemy, oligochromemy, decrease of hematocrite value (in 100 %), hypoproteinemia, hipochromia and hypegammaglobulinemia.
Key words: swine, white-muscle disease, heart muscle, skeletal muscle, erhytrocytopoesis, general protein, albumines, immunoglobulines, urea, AsAT, AlAT.
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