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Comparative efficiency of the new domestic antibacterial preparation on the basis of colistin for the colibacillosis treatment of calves
Effective etiotropic therapy of gastrointestinal infections of bacterial etiology in young cattle, especially calves of milk age, is an important factor in the good introduction of animal husbandry in the field of cattle breeding. Antibiotic therapy remains one of the main tools for etiotropic therapy of bacterial infections of the digestive system. Therefore, given the progressive appearance a resistance of bacteria, pathogens of digestive tract infections, to many antimicrobial agents, it is important to choose an effective antibacterial agent for the treatment of intestinal infections in calves.
Colistin, an antibiotic of the polymyxin group, has a bactericidal action against gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Salmonella spp. and Shigella spp., which are often etiological factors in the development of acute gastrointestinal diseases in calves. According to the literature date, the resistance of microorganisms to the colistin develops slowly, consequently the sensitivity of bacteria, pathogens of intestinal infections, are at a high level. This is an undoubted preference of this antibiotic, which makes it critically important in the treatment of intestinal infections in target animals.
The purpose of our research was to study the therapeutic efficacy of the new antibacterial drug Colitech, an powder for peroral use, manufactured by Private Joint-stock Company "Technolog" (Ukraine), based on colistin sulfate, in comparison with the preparation of Giraxа, an powder for peroral use, production of KRKA (Slovenia), active substance which is also colistin sulfate, in the treatment of colibacillosis of calves.
In order to identify an infectious agent, we conducted inoculation of blood on regular growth media (beef-extract agar, beef-extract broth) and Endo selective differential growth medium. Along with Escherichia coli another microflora (Staphylococcus аureus) was extracted, however in quantitative terms the share of cocci microorganisms was insignificant. Microbiologically from the biomaterial (blood, fecal masses of sick calves) the strains of Escherichia coli were isolated and identified. Considering the results of bacteriological study, the final diagnosis “colibacteriosis in calves” was made.
The sensitivity to colistin of isolates of Escherichia coli (n = 13) isolated from calves with colibacteriosis was studied. We tested the sensitivity of the strains of the E. coli to the colistin by the method of diffusion in agar using standard paper disks with colistin. The test results showed a high degree of sensitivity of Escherichia coli isolates to colistin: 11 strains were sensitive (84.6 %), two strains – moderately sensitive (15.4 %). Also, by a method of serial dilutions in a broth medium the minimum inhibitory concentrations of colistin in the preparation Colitech and in the reference preparation Giraxa for isolated Escherichia coli strains were determined. Based on the obtained values of the MIC, the level of bacteriostatic activity of preparations Colitech and Giraxa was the same: 11 isolates of Escherichia coli were sensitive (84.6 %), one moderately sensitive (7.7 %) and one resistant (7.7 %) to colistin.
When monitoring the clinical state of animals, it was established that the body temperature of calves of both groups became physiologically normal already on day 3-4 after starting administration of medicinal products. Feces excretion became less frequent and was not profuse. Feces gradually obtained more dense consistency. Respiratory rate was decreasing, breathing became thoracic and abdominal, even and rhythmic. Animals were looking more active, general well-being and appetite were improved. On day 7-9 after conducted antibiotic therapy in the broadest majority of animals the diarrhea fully stopped, physiological parameters were well within normal range that may signal a recovery of animals. But each group was still containing one calf that preserved symptoms of intestinal infection: diarrhea did not stop, although it was not profuse either, the appetite was poor, the calves lagged behind growth and development from other animals in a group.
The comparative clinical study of Colitech and Giraxa preparations for treating colibacillosis of calves was conducted . The therapeutic efficacy of both drugs for treating colibacteriosis of calves was 90%. During the research period, there were no cases of death of animals, any adverse effects or detections of side effects.
The results of the studies have shown that Colitech is an effective chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of colibacteriosis in calves caused by E. coli strains susceptible to colistin. The effectiveness of Colitech, in the manufacturer's recommended dosage, method of administration and duration of use, was not worse for the effectiveness of the drug of comparison Giraxа of foreign production for the treatment of colibacteriosis calves.
Key words: calves, colibacillosis, antibacterial preparation, colistin, sensitivity, therapeutic efficacy.
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