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The dependence of cows' morbidity in digital region from the level of milk production
It is shown that the diseases in digital region of high producing cows impose great economical losses owing to lowering of milk production and premature calling of the valuable animals. That is why, the main task of the investigation was to study the dependence of cows' morbidity in digital region from the level of milk production.
During the experiment in the tested animals there were taken the data about the level of their milk production, and the form of orthopedic pathology in the digital region. There were determined the dependability of the orthopedic pathology development in cows on their milk productivity.
There was established that cows' susceptibility to the foot diseases increases with the increased level of their milk production. Sperman correlation between increased milk production and the level of morbidity was 0.226 with statistic importance р≤0,0001. This is an evidence of the existence of the positive correlation between these two indexes.
Key words: cow, milk productivity, lameness, ulcer, interdigital flegmona.V.
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