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Determination of effi ciency of the methods for isolating Bacillus anthracis pathogen spores from soil
Diseases of animals and people with anthrax continues to appear in traditionally endemic regions, indicating a real threat of disease in any territory: in Europe, Asia and other regions of the globe. Spores of the causative agent of anthrax are very stable in the environment. It is known that they remain viable for up to 300 years. Under favorable conditions, activation (mobilization of metabolic processes) of spores occurs within 1–2 minutes, followed by initiation and germination (20–30 minutes) and growth into a vegetative cell (60–90 minutes). Zoonotic anthrax disease is relevant not only for Ukraine, but also for most countries in Europe and around the world, as the incidence remains high, thousands of deaths are registered annually, large sums of citizens and states are spent on the treatment of patients, and producers of livestock products bear considerable economic losses due to the death of animals and carrying out anti-epizootic, anti-epidemiological and preventive measures. The article presents the results of determining the eff ectiveness of methods for isolating the spores of the causative agent of the strain Bacillus anthracis UA–07 from the soil. It was found that using the method using Tween-80, 1 % serum albumin in phosphate-buff ered saline and PLET agar, it was possible to increase the excretion of pathogen spores from the soil by 16.8 % (p <0.001). At the same time, it should be noted that with a slight contamination of the soil or material under study, there is probably a problem of obtaining an unreliable study result. According to our advanced methodology, only 2.5 g of soil is needed for the study, whereas according to the method № 1 – 60 g, according to the method № 2 and № 3 – 95, № 4 – 10 g. higher spin speed, uses 100% ethyl alcohol, which destroys the soil's vegetative and some spore like microfl ora (except for spores of Bas. anthracis).
Key words: anthrax, spores, Bacillus anthracis, animals, soil, distribution, methodology.
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