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Dynamics of hematological parameters, macromorphological and radiological results of reparative osteogenesis in rabbits for the use of platelet concentrates and hydroxyapatite ceramics
The results of the dynamics of the morphological parameters of the blood of a rabbit with model defects of the opening of the spongy and compact bone tissue at diff erent periods of reparative osteogenesis are presented. Formed 4 groups of rabbits. Bone lesions in the fi rst experimental group were fi lled with injectable platelet-rich fi brin, in the second - platelet-rich fi brin, in the third - a combination of platelet-rich fi brin, and hydroxyapatite with β-tricalcium phosphate.In the control group, the defects remained healed under a blood clot. All animals were in the same conditions of feeding and keeping, had unlimited access to water. During the study, rabbits were clinically observed. Blood was taken for morphological examination before surgery and on the 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st, 42nd day. Animals were taken from the experiment on the 14th, 21st and 42nd days, an X-ray examination was carried out, bone tissue samples were taken. It was established that trauma of bone tissue leads to a number of reactions of the body aimed at restoring the damaged area. Against the background of the general picture of the obtained morphological results, the level of platelets signifi cantly changes compared to the physiological norm, while the number of red blood cells and white blood cells does not go beyond it. There is a slight increase in hemoglobin levels, especially in the experimental groups on the twenty-fi rst and forty-second day. Signifi cant changes in the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and hemoglobin concentration in the experimental groups were noted compared with the control group at diff erent periods of reparative osteogenesis.The use of various types of platelet concentrates aff ects the overall reaction of the body. On radiographs of the radial bones (compact bone tissue) on the twenty-fi rst day in the second and third experimental groups, where fi brin enriched with platelets and its combination with hydroxyapatite materials with β-tricalcium phosphate were used to replace bone defects, the infl ammatory reaction was manifested to a lesser extent. There was no signifi cant formation of bone callus compared with the fi rst, in which model defects were fi lled with injectable platelet-rich fi brin and the control group. Each of the types of platelet concentrates and their combination with hydroxyapatite ceramics have a diff erent eff ect on the restoration of bone defects and is accompanied by the appearance of a number of reactions, both local and general. According to the degree of intensity of this process, they can be placed in the following sequence: i-PRF ˂ PRF ˂ PRF+GT. Macromorphologically and radiologically signifi cant diff erences were not detected for diff erent types of bone tissue due to the use of each of the substances that concentrates platelets. The combination of hydroxyapatite granules with β-tricalcium phosphate and platelet-rich fi brin proved to be the best option for repairing the damaged area. Its use provides a signifi cantly smaller manifestation of the local infl ammatory reaction and causes the formation of optimal bone marrow.
Key words: PRF, i-PRF, granules, centrifuges, growth factors, bone marrow.
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