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The effectiveness of an integrated approach to the diagnosis of strongyloidosis
At present, the helmintocoprologic research is mainly used for the diagnosis of Strongyloidosis in pigs. Recently there was also demonstrated the importance of the testing of duodenal contents, sputum, vomit, skin, blood, urine and milk. Information on invasive level is also important in determining the clinical condition of the animal and the choice of preventive and treatment regime. That is why the main purpose of the work was to improve the diagnosis of Strongyloidosis in pigs.
To achieve the goal there were performed experimental and theoretical investigations. The integrated approach for diagnosis of Strongyloidosis in pigs included quantitative methods of coprohelmintoovoskopy, coprohelmintolarvoskopy, helminthological studies of blood, milk, nasal leakage and sputum, gastroduodenoscopy, inspection of environmental pollution with stronhiloyids.
There was confirmed the acceptability of the method of quantitative coprohelmintoovoskopy using the author's camera. Its diagnostic efficiency was higher than the base line method LD Mihachovoyi and G. Nyquist for 9,61±1,05%.
The proposed standardization of the method of helmintocoprolarvoskopy by T.I. Popova allows determining the intensity of infestation. The number of strongiloyid larvae isolated from feces by the method of T.I Popova was 5,3–20,7 % higher than while using the method of Berman-Orlov. According to results of our research, the percentage of larvae isolated from feces differed depending on the method by which the study was conducted. When there were used coprohelmintolarvoskopy rings 97,9–99,1 % were counted, with the use of T.I. Popova method – 95,1, with the Berman-Orlov method – 65,9–76,5 and with Shilnikov method – 61,1–71,2 %.
There was found the high efficiency of the authors' helmintologic quantitative research methods for milk, colostrum and blood taken from pigs with Strongyloidosis. The developed methods of helmintologic examination have identified larvae in milk in 98,9 % of cases, in colostrum – 99,2 and blood – 99,6%, and by T.P. Maxine – respectively in 95,4 %, 94,8 and 94,1 % of cases.
Assessment of gastroscopic duodenoscopy and microscope sediment washings pictures in pigs suffering from strongyloidosis allowed in vivo retrieve the pathomorphological changes in the stomach and intestines, to determine the intensity of invasion by the number of parasitic females strongiloyids. The number of adults strongiloyids identified in endoscopic duodenal washings correlated with depth of pathological changes in the wall of the stomach and duodenum of infested pigs. The higher was the intensity of infestation, the deeper there were the changes in the organs of pigs: 2–41 females per 1 sm3 of duodenal washings caused catarrhal-hemorrhagic inflammation, 29–51 – catarrhal-hemorrhagic inflammation and erosion, 37–51 – catarrhal-hemorrhagic inflammation, mucosal erosions and ulcers of the duodenum. 21–25 females per 1 sm3 of washings caused the catarrh inflammation in the lining of the stomach.
The studies show the effectiveness of the integrated approach in the diagnosis of Strongyloidosis in swine and appropriateness of its usage for the evaluation of the epizootic situation, diagnosis and determining the effectiveness of the preventive measures.
There were developed quantitative methods which are efficient and can determine the intensity of Strongyloidosis invasion in swine. The methods will improve the effectiveness and objectivity of further studies which aim on improving control and preventive measures for Strongyloidosis in swine.
Key words: Strongyloidosis, diagnosis, coprohelmintoovoskopy, coprohelmintolarvoskopy, helminthological studies of blood, milk, nasal leakage and sputum, gastroduodenoscopy.
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