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Hematological parameters of blood and quail egg Japanese breed under the influence of amino acids and vitamin E
Currently, development of non-traditional for our country's industry, namely qualities, is one of the ways of providing the population with quality food and economic efficiency of poultry. This is facilitated by biological features of quails, among which some of the main - speed growth, high egg productivity, good taste, dietary and curative qualities of eggs and poultry meat. Know that the performance of birds depends largely on the amount of protein and essential amino acids in diets. There for, the reduction of content of amino acids such as lysine, methionine and threonine in feed birds will decrease performance and slow down the growth of saplings. Lack of vitamins, including vitamin E in the diet of birds also leads to a decrease in egg production.
In the breast of quail amino acids occupy an important place as each of the amino acids in the body of the bird performs and affects a number of important functions and body systems. It is known that in feed quail often not enough of these essential amino acids, as lysine, methionine and threonine.
In particular lysine affects nervous system, the synthesis of hemoglobin of blood, tissue metabolism potassium, participates in the transport of substances through the cell membrane. Methionine is an essential amino acid, which actively participates in the synthesis of proteins, in the synthesis of vitamins, hormones and enzymes. It prevents excessive oxidation of proteins, fatty degeneration of the liver and is associated with hematopoietic activity of the organism. Together with threonine methionine is involved in the metabolism of lipids, that have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver. Also threonine positively affects the immune system birds.
Vitamin E has an important role in the regulation of metabolic processes in the body birds and redox reactions, because it is an important antioxidant. Since the use of bird vitamins affects their health and performance, the equipment of its various vitamins, including vitamin E, allows to support the high performance, reproductive qualities during the whole productive time.
The goal was to study the influence of various doses of amino acids - lysine, methionine, threonine together with vitamin E on hematologic parameters and productivity.
Blood system changes are impartial evidences, characterizing state of animal organism.
While analyzing blood morphological data, it is necessary to note, that erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets number data in the control and experimental groups before feeding quails with lysine, methionine, threonine and vitamin E were almost identical. Yet during the experiment the erythrocytes number in the quails blood have changed. Thus, it was noted, that after 15 days of application of amino acids complex and vitamin E, their number had an increase tendency, yet not significant. It is established, that by the 75-th and 90-th day of experiment the quails erythrocytes number of group 2 reliably increased by 9,87 % (p<0,05) and by 11,3 % (p<0,05) correspondingly, comparing to the control group.
For the period of experiment we established that with age, the experimental quails of all groups their laying ability increases, yet with adding to main diet the amino acids complex and vitamin E in different doses, their laying ability changed differently.
Key words: еritrotsity, leukocytes, platelets, quail, egg production, lysine, methionine, threonine, vitamin E.
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