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Influence of the fodder additive «Microstymulin» on the resistance and metabolism of broiler chickens at experi-mental pseudomonosis
Introduction. An important direction in the improvement of veterinary and prophylactic measures is the development and introduction into production of new preparations having bioactive properties and regulatory influence on the growth and development of birds, the intensity of metabolic processes, the ability to enhance the functional activity of organs and systems of the body, increase the level of natural resistance of the organism animals. In modern poultry breeding bacterial diseases of the bird cause great damage. In recent years, there have been significant changes in the structure of pathogens of infectious diseases of farm animals and poultry. The number of diseases caused by conditionally pathogenic microflora, in particular gram-negative microflora, has been increased, among which the Pseudomonas aeruginosa occupies a significant place.
One of the modern ecologically safe means which used to increase non-specific resistance, strengthen immunity, non-specific prevention of bacterial and viral diseases, stimulation of metabolic processes, to activate immunological reactions in diseases of different etiologies is nanomicroelement feed additive «Microstimulin».
Study of the effect of nanomicroelement feed additive «Microstimulin» on the resistance and metabolism of chicken broilers at experimental pseudomonosis.
The research were conducted in the Balakliya Regional State Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine (Kharkiv region) and the Laboratory of Biochemistry of NSC «IECVM» (Kharkiv).
The feed additive «Microstimulin» was given to chickens aged 14 days (cross Cobb 500) per os 1 time per day in a dose of 1 ml/l with drinking water for 14 days. At day 12 of the experiment, we infected chickens with culture P. aeruginosa intraperitoneally at a dose of 300,000 CFU/ml in modeled pseudomonas infection groups. Slaughter of chickens was carried out in accordance with the principles of humanity by decapitation method on the 15th day of the experiment in 29 day old chicks.
The determination of action of the feed additive «Microstimulin» on biochemical processes in the organism of conditionally healthy poultry and at experimental pseudomonas infection was carried out in a complex manner, based on the indicators of congenital immunity, protein metabolism and activity of hepatospecific enzymes AST and ALT.
The biological effect of the feed additive «Microstimulin» on the organism of conditionally healthy bird was characterized by a decrease in the albumin level by 19.0% (p ≤ 0.05) and an increase in the concentration of γ-globulin by 12.9%, a marked increase in the synthesis of circulating immune complexes (CIC) (by 44.4% ) and the elimination of seromucoids (Sm), whose level was reduced by 14.2%, and increased lysozyme activity by 9.1% relative to intact chickens.
The «Microstimulin» administration resulted in a decrease in the activity of ALT (by 26.1%) and an increase in the synthesis of urea (by 34.9%) and uric acid (by 75.7%). However, all the established changes were within the limits of the physiological norm, except for urea, the level of which exceeded the control values by 36.2%.
The application of the feed additive at experimental pseudomonas compared with the control provided an increase in the concentration of total protein by 13.8%, β- and γ-globulins by 25.0% and 36.1%, urea and uric acid by 13.5% and 36 , 9% respectively. In this case, the marked decrease in serum ALT activity was detected by 34.8% and the tendency towards decrease of AST (by 7.8%). The study established an increase in the level of CIC by 22.2%, Sm by 14.2% and lysozyme activity by 13.6%, and inhibition of AST and ALT activity. The values of these indicators were lower than controls by 34.8% (p ≤ 0.05) and 7.8% respectively. Comparison of the indicators of the metabolic status of chicken broilers in this group with physiological norms shows that the limits of normal values were exceeded for total protein (by 3.0%), γ-globulin (by 16.7%) and urea (by 14.7%).
Conclusions. The feed additive «Microstimulin» has a pronounced influence on metabolic processes, in particular protein metabolism, and on the state of the system of congenital immunity of poultry.
In the organism of intact bird, the feed additive «Microstimulin» causes similar changes in the level of such mediators of the immune response, as CIC average molecular weight and seromucoids.
The use of «Microstimulin» induces pronounced changes in the level of the protein through increased globulin fractions, and increased lysozyme activity.
The investigated means also helps to reduce the manifestations of pathogenetic effects of P. aeruginosa on the bird organism.
Keywords: broiler chickens, «Microstymulin», ALT, AST, CIC, seromucoids, total protein, protein fractions, pseudomonosis, P. aeruginosa.
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