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Macroelement status of foals
According to researches, content of blood calcium in foals after birth was 2,2±0,06 mmol/l. The content of macronutrient in blood was constant with insignificant oscillations in the next periods of research (10-, 20-, 30-, 60th days of life). In 69,2 % of foals in 1-, 10-, 20-th days of life the calcium level was within the limits of 1,96−2,28 mmol/l; in 30-days foals with such limits of the macronutrient it was 84,6 %, in 60- −100 %; in three months − 46,2 %, in 120- − 100 %, in 150- −55,6 %, in 180-days − in 30 %, in other animals of this group content of calcium was within the limits of 2,52−2,64 mmol/l.
In 7-months of foals the blood calcium level was in a lower limit norms of adult animals, which are given in literary sources and averaged 2,54±0,035 mmol/l.
Free fraction of calcium (ionized calcium) in foals after birth averaged 1,0±0,01 mmol/l (45,5 %) from a general calcium). Animals had approximately the same content of the ionized calcium in the next periods of research (10th, 20-, 30th days of life). The content of the ionized calcium was higher in two-month foals, than in foals after birth (p<0,05).
The most average indexes of the ionized calcium discovered in foals on the 120th and 150th days of life (1,06±0,016 and 1,07±0,009 mmol/l). In next periods of research (180th and 210th days of life) the concentration of the ionized calcium did not differ from the levels in the first days of life.
According to calculations average quadratic (δ±0,159), in foals to monthly age content of calcium in the blood must be 1,84−2,58 mmol/l. The 100 % of results have entered in these limits. The concentration of the ionized calcium in this period of life must be 0,92−1,12 mmol/l (δ±0,0043). In the animals of two- and three months age − 2,02−2,48 and ionized 1,0−1,07 mmol/l. In foals 4−7 months age − 2,15−2,63 and 1,01−1,07 mmol/l accordingly.
Content of calcitoninum in the blood of foals after birth averaged 4,36±0,384 mmol/l. In the next two months of life content of hormone had a tendency to increase and in foals of two-month age averaged 5,46±0,264 pg/ml, that on 25,2 % more than in the first day of life (p<0,05).
The highest indexes of hormone have discovered in 120-, 180- days animals − 5,96±0,410 and 5,93±0,357 pg/ml (on 36,7 and 36,0 % more than in animals after birth). In further the hormone’s blood level in foals has a tendency to decrease and in
7-monthly animals was in average by 5,33±0,360 pg/ml.
Thus, according to calculations (δ±1,318), a concentration of calcitoninum in foals of the first month of life must be within the limits of 3,65−6,29 pg/ml. The 75,9 % of results had entered in these limits. The content of calcitoninum in two- and three months and 4-7-months foals is more high − 4,2−6,60 and 4,76−6,78 pg/ml accordingly.
The content of blood phosphorus in one-day foals had averaged 1,05±0,040 mmol/l. The level of macronutrient in 95 % of animals of this age-dependent group was within the limits of 0,95−1,23 mmol/l. The content of phosphorus in foals was during all period of researches (from 10 to 210-days age) at such level in the average.
According to calculations of average quadratic (δ±0,016), the content of phosphorus in foals of the first month of life must been 0,94−1,18 mmol/l, in two- and three months age − 0,92−1,18; and in 4−7-months 0,82−1,12 mmol/l. The 84,6 % results of foals of the first three months of life had entered in these limits and 80,8 % indexes in a 4–7 months age.
The level of magnesium for one-day animals had averaged 1,0±0,02 mmol/l. The average values of macronutrient did not differ from the limits of the first day of life in the next periods of research (10th, 20-, 30-, 60-, and 90th days) (r<0,5). The content of blood magnesium in 4-months foals had decreased and had been 0,86±0,055 mmol/l, that less by comparison to the previous period of research (p<0,05). In further the amount of magnesium increased and did not differ certain from the limits of previous periods of research (p<0,05) in foals 6th-7-months age.
According to the conducted calculations, content of the blood magnesium in foals of the first month of life must be 0,95−1,11 mmol/l (δ±0,075); in two- and three months age animals − 0,94−1,12 and in 4−7-months − 0,85−1,07 mmol/l (δ±0,112). The 73,1 % of results in animals of the first month of life have entered in these limits; the 80,8 % results in animals of the second month of life.
Key words: foals, calcium, ionized calcium, magnesium, calcitoninum, phosphorus.
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