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Thus, horses with hidden leptospirosis and herpes virus infection have changes in erythropoiesis that are not found by common parameters (erythrocyte number, hemoglobin concentration, the packed cell volume  and  "red" blood indexes are being in the normal range). However, a deeper analysis of the erythropoiesis system  revealed increased number of "old" forms of erythrocytes with gradual decrease of the "young" ones, which indicates to the  erythropoiesis processes inhibition, hindering the maturation of red blood cells and their enhanced  aging in peripheral blood. However, high activity of 2,3-BPG is the most early and sensitive diagnostic test of erythropoiesis and detection of hypoxia under the hidden infectious diseases, which was found in the animals of the second and the third groups.

Key words: horse thoroughbred horse breed erytrotsytopoez, erythrocytes, population composition of erythrocyte acid resistance, hemoglobin, hematocrit value, MCH, MCV, 2,3-dyfosfohlitserat.

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