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Problems euthanasia for animals
For the first time an analysis of existing methods of euthanasia for animals, analyzed the legal framework for the protection of animal rights, indications for and availability of veterinary drugs for humane euthanasia of animals of different species. Studied compliance of existing methods euthanasia of animals, the requirements "of the European Convention on the Protection of Vertebrate Animals" and the Law of Ukraine "On protection of animals from cruelty," as well as their application in domestic veterinary medicine. Most methods of humane euthanasia is available, practitioners, due to the limited circulation of drugs, their price, or lack of market. The analysis creates the preconditions for further research in that direction, studying the effectiveness and humaneness of existing and finding new methods of euthanasia different animal species.
Key words: euthanasia, barbiturates, pentobarbital, morbital, T-61, humane euthanasia.
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