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Condition of protein metabolism in ewes of slov’anoserbsk district lugansk region
Presenting datas are given about condition of protein metabolism ewes in yean, lactating and idle sheep of Slov'yanoserbsk district in Lugansk region. Contents of copper, manganese and zinc in soils of Slov’yanoserbsk district in Lugansk region are within the limits of norm. Concentration in soils of lead and cadmium is higher than middle indexes on the Lugansk region is 7,5±0,0001 and 0,51±0,0001 mg/kg in soil accordingly. The ration of sheep feeding is not totally balanced under correlation of sugar to digestible protein (0,16:1). In the serum blood ewes in yean of Slov’yanoserbsk district increasing level of general protein and decreasing of gamma-globulins is found in comparison with lactating and idle sheep. In lactating sheep a protein metabolism is characterized by hyperproteinemia, hyperalfa- and hypogammaglobulinemia, and for idle ewes by hyperproteinemia, hyperalfa2- and hypergammaglobulinemia, in comparing with the group of animals in yean, what is caused by long-term exposure compounds of heavy metals.
Key words: ewes, liver, total protein, albumins, globulins, soil contamination.
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