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The effectiveness of complex mineral supplements helamaks in the prevention of neonatal pathology calves
Analysis of the literature confirms that the development of neonatal pathology calves play a significant role antenatal reasons.
It is noted that under the influence of exposure on the developing fetus of unfavorable factors, especially nutrition-deficient and toxic-infective origin born offspring patient antenatal malnutrition. Many authors have noted that the provision of pregnant cows in minerals, including trace elements play an important etiological role in the occurrence of neonatal pathology calves. Obtained from cows sick calves microelementoses many different metabolic disorders and the presence of congenital microelementoses.
The aim of the study was to investigate some biochemical parameters in the blood serum of calves produced by cows being in different regions of the Belarusian-tion biogeochemical province and have disturbances in the mineral balance in the body, as well as Helamaks efficiency of complex mineral supplements for the prevention of birth, endemically caused microelementoses calves.
In terms of agricultural enterprises in different regions of the Republic of Belarus was formed 2 groups of cows (animals were selected with an average herd productivity – in the range of 6500–8500 kg of milk per year) – an experienced and controlling. In the experimental group were selected cows (n=100), patients are characteristic of a biogeochemical province of the Republic of Belarus polimikroelementozis and received from their calves. In the blood, a decrease of such cows with Zinc-content (53.2±4.87 mol/l), Selenium (0.72±0.052 mmol/l), Manganese (2.53±0.30 mol/l) and Cobalt (487.3±61.29 nmol/l). The control group were selected calves obtained from cows which have not detected change in status microelement.
Half (n=50) cows of the experimental group during the 30 days prior to calving asked Forage mineral Helamaks at a dose of 10 ml daily with food. The latter is a complex etilendiamindiyantarnoy acid glycine and with Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Cobalt, Selenium and Iodine in an aqueous solution.
It was found that the content identified imbalance in the blood of calves in microelements generally repeats itself cows mothers. The correlation coefficient between the content of the relevant trace elements in the blood of cows and the resulting offspring from her for Zinc was 0.759; to Manganese – 0.859; Cobalt – 0.959, Selena – 0.703 and Iodine-related protein 0.837.
Calves of experimental group were highly neonatal morbidity. They recorded birth: rickets in 20.0 % of calves, hepatodystrophy at – 33.0 %; extensive alopecia – at 10.0 %, the symptoms of neonatal malnutrition at 33 %. The incidence of dyspepsia was 90 %. While in more than 50 % of calves recorded methoxy-symmetric form. In rickets calves of the control group was recorded at 15 % calf-marks in neonatal hypotrophy – 10 %, dyspepsia – 65 %, which proceeded pre-imushchestvenno (80 %) in a simple manner.
Calves of experimental group were changes of biochemical parameters. First of all, to show signs of functional immaturity organism. They were found: significant hypoproteinemia and dysproteinemia. Calves of experimental group were also found components of serum biochemical syndromes of functional liver failure: hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia, giperfermentoemiya aminotransferases (ALT and AST), as well as hyperglycemia, and signs of functional renal failure, and significant giperuremiya giperkreatinemiya. Concentration in blood fractions average molecular weight substances (AMW) was significantly higher in the experimental group of calves, which indicates the presence of endointoxication.
Calves, the experimental group received from cows, which are used feed additive mineral Helamaks from other calves of the experimental group especially for trace element status. Since Selenium content in the blood was 0.67±0.024 mmol/l of Copper content – 12.7±0.98 mmol/l, Manganese 0.184±2.83 mmol/l to Cobalt – 512.1±41.25 nmol/l, Zinc – 45.4±2.39 mmol/l, serum iron – 17.2 mmol/l of iodine and bound protein – 312.3±28.42 nmol/l. Normalization of the microelement status affected the metabolic processes in the body of calves produced by cows which are used forage additive mineral Helamaks. Since they had a decrease in the level of hypoproteinemia (total protein concentration was higher in the 7.3 %). Hypoalbuminemia was detected in 10 % of calves, 40 % of hyperbilirubinemia, giperfermentoemiya aminotransferases (ALT and AST) 20 %, hyperglycemia in 40 %, and giperuremiya giperkreatinemiya 10 %. Whereas calves, obtained from cows which have not been applied in addition hypoalbuminemia trace was found in 20 % of calves, giperbilirubinemia 80 %, giperfermentoemiya aminotransferases (ALT and AST) 50 % giperglikemia 60 %, giperuremiya and giperkreatinemiya 20 %.
Thus, under the influence of Helamaksa in the mother-placenta-сalf recovered metabolic processes. What is also evidenced by a significant decrease in blood concentrations of CMB by 25.4 % and reducing the incidence of neonatal bridge. The incidence of congenital: rickets was 10.0 %, hepatodystrophy – 15.0 %; Neonatal signs of malnutrition were observed in 15 % of calves. Dyspepsia recorded at 60 % of calves, which occurs predominantly (90 %) in a simple manner.
Key words: calves, cows, Helamaks, neonatal pathology, diagnostick, prevention, microelementoses.
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