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The particularities of the pathological process during helminth invasion
Theory and practice has accumulated a significant amount of effective methods and techniques to combat helminthes invasion in humans and animals. Very wide distribution of helminths species and wide range of theirs pathogenicity, and hence the introduction of new anthelmintics in to the practice needs further scientifically advanced search for techniques to solve this problem. The relevance of the problem lies in the fact that helminth pathology cannot be considered separately from others diseases of different etiology.
During the helminth invasion in mammals it is developed the multifaceted immune alteration, which involves phenomena of cellular and humoral immunity. Also, this changes the activity of natural resistance factors. There are reports that helminth antigens stimulate T- and B-immune system that leads to accumulation of immunoglobulin IgM, IgG and IgA, and others.
At the same time, the literature is rich on material about the ability of worms to suppress immune reaction in the animals they parasitize on. Also, the worms are able to suppress immune reaction in the animals in response to the others infectious microorganism, antigens, and viral organisms.
The particularities of the cellular and humoral immunity depends on the type of worms, dose and frequency rate of lesion, stage of invasive process. Mixed parasite invasion in animals causes more harmful impact than the invasion by one type of the worm. By many researches there was established certain imbalance of humoral and cellular immunity in the animals with helminth. Suppression of the immune response leads to the lowering the effectiveness of deworming measures and drugs, increased susceptibility to relapsed infestation. At the same time, it is widely recognized that the success of anthelmintics drugs largely depends on their impact on the defense mechanisms of infested animals. Not adequate etiologic therapy, carried out during the helminthes process that characterized by immunosuppression may be an additional pathogenetic factor that lower the efficacy of the therapeutic procedures.
The decrease of immunobiological protection leads to the increase of the degree of super- and reinvasion by worms and other parasites and to the complications of the current helminthes process by the diseases of associative etiology. The cause of the recurrent lesions caused by worms can be larval and preimaginal forms of worms. They intervene the relationship between the parasite and its host by causing immunobiological changes in the organism on the latter stages.
Most researchers while studying the effect of experimental infestation on the immune status of the host have observed the activation of T and B immune systems. At the same time the infestation that is not occurring very often can caused an increase in the number of both T- and B-lymphocytes in the days following the invasion. However, during the permanent infestation, characterized by the systematic flow of invasive agent in the host organism, scientists are often faced with the fact of suppression of the immune response. It is assumed that the formed immune antigen-antibody complexes, which come as a result of infestation of a large number of antigen formed with the participation of IgG-antibodies are capable via Fc-receptors activate
T-suppressor and consequently depress the immune response. Antibodies that accumulate in the body react with antideterminant areas previously synthesized antibodies inhibiting the ability of these cells to synthesize the corresponding antibodies.
Thus, the results of many studies show that during the helminthes process it is evident an imbalance of humoral and cellular immune factors, suppression of the immune response and the reduced immunobiological reactivity. All of this leads to reduced effectiveness anthelminthic therapy and increased susceptibility of animals to reinfestation.
Thus, the study of immunological reactivity during the helminthic process are both of theoretical and practical importance. They allow more fully to evaluate the relationship of the "parasite-host" connection, which makes it possible to use not only causal, but the pathogenetic therapy as well.
Key words: helminth invasion, the pathological process, immunobiological restructuring, cellular and humoral immunity, proteins, immunoglobulins IgM, IgG and IgA.
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