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An epizootic situation is in relation to the nematodosiss of gastroenteric channel of dogs
Gastrointestinal nematodes are prevalent among dogs in Ukraine and most other countries. Economic losses in dog breeding for invasive diseases are diffi cult to calculate in material terms, but they are clearly manifested in terms of animal health. Therefore, the purpose of the research was to fi nd out the epizootic situation regarding the nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs of diff erent age, sex and breed groups in the Belotserkovsky district of Kyiv region. The studies were conducted on the territory of single-sector private sector farms of 15 settlements of Belotserkovsky district and on the territories of shelters for homeless animals of Belaya Tserkov. Koprovoskopichesky researches were carried out by the combined method standardized by Kotelnikov - Hrenov. According to the results of coprovoscopy of samples from dogs of the Belotserkovsky area, a signifi cant spread of nematodes of the gastrointestinal canal was established (EI was 50.18%). Eggs of such nematodes as Trichuris vulpis, Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma caninum, Toxascaris leonina, Strongyloides stercoralis were isolated. Diseases were recorded in the form of mono-invasions, among which the largest proportion of the aff ected were trihuriza (27.11%), toxocariasis (6.59), ankylostomosis (1.83%), and myxinvasions, which again led the trichuris. Animals from birth to 7 years were most aff ected. In terms of gender, females were more vulnerable. The highest incidence of invasion was among outbred dogs (51.56%). Most dogs in this group are aff ected by trichuris (54.55%) and myxinvasia (29.29%), which also included T. vulpis. Breeds German Shepherd, Dachshund, Russian Spaniel had the highest percentage of nematode infestations among all studied breeds. The leader among pathogens was T. vulpis, which covered more than half (52.63%) of rocks, myxinvasions were 28.94%, which included T. vulpis. The breeds of the Belgian shepherd, shih-tzu, Russian-European chamomile, alabai were resistant.
Key words: dog, invasion, trichrosis, toxocariasis, ankylostomosis, toxascarose, distribution, koproovoskopichni research, extensiveness of invasion, intensity of invasion.
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