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Activity of α-amylase at disordes of a functional state of liver at horses

For comparison we studied some biochemical indicators of whey of blood which characterisied a functional state of liver and pancreas at horses. The level of the activity of α-amylase was more higt – 6,02±0,73 (Lim 2,89-12,0) mg/shl at research in group of animals with increase activity of the main liver enzymes, but hyperamilasemia wos fond in 5 animals that means 35,7 % in others 9 horses this activity was in normal levels, it sncreasing coincide with high activity АsАТ in one animal only, two – АsАТ and АlАТ, two animals – АsАТ and GGТP, and only one had high activity all enzyme. Opposite, the activity of α-amylase in two similar animals was in normal level, but it does not coincide and have not positive correlation with increasing levels of АsАТ, АlАТ and GGТP.

Key words: horses, pancreas, liver, enzyme, α-amylase, АsАТ, АlАТ, GGТP.

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