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Acute phase and reaction oxide level in blood cows for subclinical mastitis
One of the leading sectors of agriculture are dairy cattle, profitability is largely dependent on the quality of milk, as the use of
low-grade milk production of dairy products increases the risk of various diseases in humans.
Currently mastitis and its subclinical form the subject of many works, but most researchers in solving this problem pay attention
to establishing etiological factors in the development of inflammation in the breast tissue and mainly p athogenic and opportunistic
microorganisms, susceptibility to the isolates antimicrobials.
However, little attention is paid to the peculiarities of molecular mechanisms of the inflammatory response by subclinical forms
of mastitis, establishment of clinical diagnostic and health care criteria. In particular, this applies to the acute phase response, which
is characterized by increased synthesis by hepatocytes protein characteristics of neurotransmitter mechanisms of inflammation and
the immune system.
Purpose is to determine the level of acute phase proteins and nitric oxide in the blood of cows, subclinical mastitis.
The material for the study were 15 clinically healthy and 15 patients with subclinical mastitis of lactating cows 2–3 lactation.
The diagnosis of diseases set in the reaction using 2 % mastydyn solution.
The paper used cultures that were isolated from cows suffering from mastitis different etiologies. To isolate and culture
microorganisms used Endo medium, Mueller-Hinton agar peptonnyy meat broth, meat peptonny Saburo agar medium and to
highlight the fungal microflora. The identification of crops conducted by conventional methods. Sensitivity of isolated cultures of
microorganisms studied using diffusion method disco this purpose use standard discs with antimicrobial substances production
Himedia (India). Account of the disks performed after 24 hours.
Sets of "Reagent" in the blood serum of cows were tested by Ravin ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin – the reaction of rivanola, total protein – by
biuret reaction, albumin – by the reaction with bromocresol green. The level of circulating immune complexes was determined by their
precipitation in polyethylene glycol solutions. They also measured levels of serum stable metabolites of nitric oxide by Green in the modification
Golikova and plasma – concentration of fibrinogen.
When bacteriological study of secretion samples from the affected udder quarters were identified Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. and
gram -negative bacteria in the form of thin spindle rods with rounded or pointed ends belonging to Fusobacterium spp.
Molecular and biochemical properties of the microbial agent inflammation largely determine the type and nature of its neurotransmit ter
responses, acute phase response time and system changes in immunological reactions, the intensity of the interaction of cellular and biochemical
components of the inflammatory response, which is reflected in the clinical manifestation of the disease.
The content of total protein subclinical udder inflammation was significantly lower (73.8±1.90 g / L) compared with the rate of clinically
healthy cows (84.3±1.24 g / L), that was at the lower limit of the physiological norm.
Serum sick animals increases the level of basic reagents acute phase haptoglobin – to 1.14±0.041 g / l (p<0.01) at a rate of 0.98 ± 0.020 g / l.
For subclinical mastitis ceruloplasmin concentration 1.3 times (p<0.05) higher than the rate of healthy cows – 106.3±7.72 mg / l.
Along with this, there was a significant increase in the content of fibrinogen in the blood plasma in 1.5 times to 4.5±0.17 g / l.
It was established that the development of subclinical mastitis accompanied by a reduction of its content to 30.0±1.46 g / l
(p<0.01) compared with the index of healthy animals – 36.1±1.19 g / l.
It is proved that the development of mastitis in the blood of sick animals increases nitrogen oxides 1.5 times and circula ting
immune complexes – 1.3 times (p<0.01).
So patochemical subclinical mastitis caused by phase associations Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. and Fusobacterium
spp., characterized by the development of acute phase reactions and the formation of immunological reactions decreased levels of
total protein in serum, indicating that the prevalence of the disease in destructive phenomena.
Key words: acute phase proteins, nitric oxide, circulating immune complexes, mastitis, the cow.
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