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Acute phase response in the nekrobakteriozis treatment lesions of Аvestim end Тseftioklin hooves of cattle
The results on the acute phase response of inflammation in nekrobakteriozis limb lesions in cattle. A modern and highly effective treatment regimen of nekrobakteriozis limb lesions in fattening bulls using Тseftioklin and Аvestim. Their application is accompanied by a rapid return to the levels of ceruloplasmin rules against the high indices of lipid peroxidation.
Leading pathogenetic factor in the early development of the disease is the primary inflammatory reaction at the site of damage and penetration of the pathogen which is often not sufficient to neutralize it and localization of the pathological process. In most studies dealing with this disease focuses on bacteriological research, clinical testing different treatments , often without their proper pathogenetic basis. However, researchers remain unnoticed acute phase of inflammatory response, the major proteolytic system and the immune reactivity. Currently proposed methods of treatment often focused only on local antibacterial treatment. The use of systemic treatment is often a mixed review from the owners and processors of animal products. The analysis shows the need for systemic antibiotic therapy and additional correction of the immune status sick animals. However, in the literature there are no data regarding the characteristics of the main indicators of acute phase inflammation in nekrobakteriozis limb lesions in calves.
In clinical observations revealed that the beginning of regenerative processes of nekrobakteriozis lesions delayed until the fifth day the animals of the control group, whereas in animals the first experimental group on the third day is celebrated pronounced regenerative processes. It is conditioned by rapid neutralization of pathogenic factors and establishment in areas of lesions of the optimal conditions for the growth of young granulation tissue. The disappearance of the affected limb lameness usually coincided with the completion of epithelialization and was in the first group by 8,1±0,58 days, had a different rate of the second experimental group was 8,4 ± 0,54 whereas in groups where no causal treatment that is used in the third and control epithelization much lasted to 10,6±0,6 and 12,4±0,67 days , respectively.
Conducted studies found that the development of purulent-necrotic lesions of the extremities is a formation of the acute phase response in which increases or decreases the concentration of protein in the blood of different groups. Defining the contents of the latter, it is extremely important to consider the total protein concentration in the blood, as it allows to fully assess acute phase response – whether it is formed under conditions of hyper- or hypoproteinemia , and therefore has a positive or negative.
It should be noted that in all groups of animals observed upward trend albuminosis compared to clinically - healthy, but it is not probably. This confirms that the concentration of total protein in the blood is not enough information indicators and should be interpreted in conjunction with other indicators guests reaction phase.
Determination of fibrinogen in plasma is an important diagnostic and prognostic indicators of the severity of the inflammatory process. Increasing the concentration of fibrinogen in the healing process of purulent- necrotic lesions of the extremities may indicate the formation of a proper granulation barrier, the positive dynamics of the course of the inflammatory process and the lack of conditions for development of consumption coagulopathy.
By the eighth day of treatment in all groups was observed, expressed in varying degrees, positive dynamic current purulent necrotic lesions on the extremities, granulation defects and progressive epithelization, which is reflected in the dynamic growth of the activity of factor XIII in experimental and control groups.
One of the main functions of ceruloplasmin is to neutralize free radicals that are released outside of macrophages and neutrophils during phagocytosis, as well as the intensification of free radical oxidation in inflammation. According to numerous literature data in various pathological processes ceruloplasmin levels in plasma as increases and decreases. In our studies in patients revealed that the simultaneous use of antibiotics and immunostimulation accompanied the first experimental group rapid return to normal levels of ceruloplasmin. In the second and third experimental group dynamics mentioned index was similar, but its decline was not as significant, whereas in the control group, likely decline is not registeredюю. The MDA level did not differ significantly among these groups, while in the control it was much less .
The analysis of the concentration of major acute phase proteins can be concluded fast and efficient inhibition of the inflammatory response in the combination Тseftioklin - Аvestim.
Past studies indicate poor performance of local treatment with nekrobakteriozis limb injuries and the need for additional tools and application etiotropic immunostimulation therapy.
Тseftioklin antibiotics and immune-boosting drug Аvestim accompanied by a rapid return to the levels of ceruloplasmin rules against the high indices of lipid peroxidation. However, elevated levels of fibrinogen and growth fibrinasa activity indicate the growth potential of tissue coagulation and neutralization of excess tissue proteinase activity to accelerate the regenerative treatment process. Application proposed scheme can significantly reduce the duration of treatment, an average of 4 days accelerates epithelization of the defect compared with control.
Key words: Аvestim, Тseftioklin, nekrobakteriozis, inflammation, bulls.
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