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Adaptive changes of individual homeostasis components during pregnancy
In the light of modern scientific views leading role in the adaptation of gestational dominant females play as an energy fund that uses the energy of a particular vector and hinders the possibility of other centers to respond to specific stimuli. It is believed that adaptive driving program – syntax and launch endometrial and placental proteins – trophoblastic b1-glycoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin, a2-microglobulin of fertility, placental a1-microglobulin. The indicators of their level in the blood is used in medicine as quality and as prognostic criteria pregnancy.
In the physiology of pregnancy decisive role also includes the formation and function of Self-Regulatory integrated system "mother–placenta–fetus". It synthesized peptide and steroid hormones are not controlled on the basis of feedback, and therefore their selection depends on the functional activity of the placenta. The main functions of the placenta are: trophic and protein synthesis gas exchange, synthesis and regulation of hormones, regulation of hemostatic, antitoxic action, separation of metabolites deposit of biologically active substances, immunoregulation, regulation of lipid peroxidation.
The development of pregnancy accompanied by enhancement of synthesis of steroid hormones. During embryogenesis in cattle blood concentration of progesterone increased by 26.2 %, testosterone – 69.2 % and decreases estradiol 17 beta content 36.7 %. With the formation of placenta progesterone decrease by 21.3 % and increased 62.6 % for estradiol, testosterone by 35.3 %.
During pregnancy, undergo significant changes synthesis of hormones. In early embryogenesis in cattle blood contains 13.3±2.05 ng / ml cortisol, which increases to 24.3±4.73 ng / ml or by 82.7 %. By the fifth month of its content is reduced by 20 % and contained at 16.9±0.63 ng / ml. Number precursor of cortisol – 11 dezoksykortyzola contrary, to 1.5-month period decreased from 1.13±0.13 ng / ml to 0.52±0.04 ng / ml, due to its active participation in cortisol metabolism. In its next level and kept growing at 1.00±0.03 – 1.10±0.04 ng / ml. This dynamics is observed at concentrations of corticosterone.
With progesterone dynamics reflect changes in thyroid hormones. Established that the concentration of T3 and T4 during pregnancy gradually reduced and a month to families below the minimum rate – 1.08–0.90 nmol / L, due to their increased use. In other works noted that the decrease in T3 and T4 30 % to 34.3±54.2 CME / ml.
Changes immunobiological reactivity cows during pregnancy play an important role in the mother – fetus. This period is characterized by substantial and adequate changes in the immune system, in particular the reduction of non-specific resistance, especially in the first half of pregnancy, to prevent rejection of the fetus as a foreign agent.
Suppressor alteration of the immune system by switching pregnancy provided Th1–Th2/Th3 cells. Last producing cytokines that inhibit natural cytotoxic cells and simultaneously stimulates the synthesis of antibodies circulating fetal antigens. Physiology of the mother-placenta-fetus based on the dynamics of placental permeability (barrier). Its main morphological structure is a vascular web of the central and peripheral crypts walls carbuncles and their epithelial covering, and the level of placental exchange regulated hemostasis. The essence lies in the barrier properties of the placenta delay and miss some other substances from the mother's blood in the blood of the fetus. In particular, there are large molecular compounds, some bacteria, parasites and their eggs.
The characteristic that placental blood (PC) is different from adult blood a number of indicators of coagulation, oxygen transfer, immunological and rheological characteristics, the system of blood and protein content components.
In humane medicine is widely used in a variety of monitoring methods for determining the functional state of the placenta and fetal development. In particular, bilirubin, glucose, total protein, urea in the amniotic fluid and cord blood is used as markers of biochemical disturbances for the early detection of fetal pathology. A determination of concentrations of plasma protein, human chorionic gonadotropin, α-fetoprotein, unconjugated estriol allows diagnosis of a fetal defects and chromosomal abnormalities, and set multiple pregnancy, large fetus retention of fetal Rh-conflict of inside womb death, abortion threat, approaching families etc. In veterinary medicine such control methods for gestational processes must be developed.
So Pregnancy causes of complex adaptive reactions of different homeostasis systems are not well understood in Veterinary Reproduction and require deeper study. Also change of the morphological and biochemical parameters in pregnant cows should be considered in the diagnostic analysis and interpretation of its results.
Key words: progesterone, testosterone, estradiol, cortisol, placental blood.
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