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Agricultural animals leptospirosis structure studying in the Kharkov area

There are data about microorganisms of sort Leptospira distribution in territory of the Kharkov area of Ukraine (considered Leptospira serotypes, which are used for the laboratories of veterinary medicine of the Kharkov region diagnosis of leptospirosis of animals: Sejroe, Pomona, Icterohaemorragiae, Grippotyphosa, Hebdomatis, Tarassovi, Australis, Canicola). Showed data about leptospirosis in territory of the Kharkov area among a livestock of agricultural animals (сattle, small cattle, pigs, horses) within last three years (2010–2012) with an etiological structure designation and in comparison with data for the 2000–2009 years period. Specify the dominant circulating serotypes of pathogenic Leptospira of susceptible species of agricultural animals in Kharkov region in the course of the last thirteen years (2000–2012).

Keys words: leptospirosis, cattle, small cattle, pigs, horses, data.

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