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Analysis and prospects of Ukraine poultry breeding, distribution and classification of poultry metabolic diseases
Only in the years of independence, Ukraine industrial production of broiler meat increased 2?7 times (from 357 thou-
sands tons in 1990 to 976 thousand. tons 2013), production of chicken eggs food by 21 % (from 10?1 to 12.2 billion units.),
per capita consumption of poultry from 17,9 kg in 1990 to 24,5 in 2015, and chicken eggs food from 272 to 310 pieces,
which corresponds to the consumption of these products in the developed world.
None of the livestock industries over the last 10–15 years had such positive dynamics of growth as chickens. This expe-
rience should compile further revival of other less successful livestock industries. However, the domestic market opportuni-
ties to ensure sustainable growth of production performance objectively limited by its glut products industry. Therefore, the
prospects for the poultry directly related to export development as global markets for traditional and new.
According to forecasts of the Union of Poultry Breeders of Ukraine in 2016 it is planned to produce over 1,2 million tons
of poultry meat this is 3 % more than in 2015 exports will amount to 190 thousand tons against 165 in 2015/ In 2015 Ukraine
reduced eggs production by 15 %. By contrast, exports rose by 5,4 % – to 975 million units.
However, such production procedure is not always adequate approach breeding, hatching component, the essential re-
quirements of veterinary and zoohygienic security features of the breed and age of maintenance and rearing of poultry.
In the above-mentioned areas of industry, not clearly formulated, in what way will the achieved level of the final product
quality. Therefore, one of the key components of biologically valuable products poultry industry, including all stages of pro-
duction, is the human factor in compliance with veterinary and sanitary requirements ontogeny bird. In this context, I would
like to once again draw the attention of industry experts to practical conditions of productive poultry of different directions,
balancing rations for general and nutritional vitamin and mineral composition, quality storage components of feed and water,
and hematological blood tests as one of the indicators of health and productivity birds. However, the current economic condi-
tions have forced managers and veterinary departments to some extent avoid routine laboratory examinations of feed, water
and blood, who give informative enough to evaluate clinical and biochemical status of poultry.
The most common disease in poultry are the following:
a) among chickens: hepatodystrophy – 90%; urate diathesis in the first days of life (15–20), A-vitamin deficiencies (45–50);
lack of choline and manganese (20–25); b) Laying hens: hepatodystrophy – 70–80%, urate diathesis from 40 to 70; subclini-
cal course A- and E-hypovitaminosis (80) reference system disease (30–35 %); a) turkeys and duck meat direction of produc-
tivity: A-vitamin deficiencies (50 %), urine acid diathesis in the first 3 days of life (30-40) hepatodystrophy (50–60 %),
diseases of the musculoskeletal system; e) quail meat and egg productivity trends - urate diathesis (70 %).
Clinical research methods to diagnose the disease of poultry are much harder than in large animals. Clinical studies al-
most inaccessible cardiovascular, lymphatic and urinary systems, so using special diagnosis, including laboratory blood tests.
Even a slight deterioration in the quality of treatment and feeding of microclimate reflected on the change in blood parame-
ters, and feed and water damage, impaired feeding and veterinary ensuring the maintenance of bird, lack of preventive treat-
ments of vitamin and mineral, hepatoprotective and enzymes, pre- and probiotic agents - Internal main reasons, including
metabolic diseases of poultry. Unfortunately, without addressing these problems and other veterinary measures to achieve a
high egg or meat productivity will be extremely difficult, and the creation of gene pool of birds in general are not discussed.
Most farms in different ownership occurs combined disease, scientists considered as polimetabolic polimorbidal or pa-
thology. At the same time in high cross-laying hens can run A, D and E-hypovitaminosis, Perosis and B 1 -vitamin deficien-
cies, fatty liver and urine acid diathesis, nephritis and osteodystrophy, osteoporosis and hepatodystrophy etc.
Standard treatment regimens birds with metabolic disorders are ineffective because they do not take into account the
specific and individual characteristics of the organism, the degree of destruction of individual organs and systems.
In view of the foregoing, the question is not only a genetic potential poultry parent stock of different types and areas of
performance, but also the study of internal diseases in birds of different species, providing veterinary and sanitary conditions
of their maintenance, cultivation and breeding. One of these areas of domestic research and production institutions is to de-
velop methods for clinical examination of poultry for the purpose of an integrated approach to early diagnosis of metabolic
Key words: metabolism, metabolic diseases, metabolic disorders, feeding, broiler chickens, laying hens.
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