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Clinical and hematological indices of caws with hypodermosis during treatment by acaribil
Hypodermosis is a chronic disease, widespread in Belarus and Ukraine, caused by the larvae of subcutaneous gadfly Hypoderma bovis and H. lineatum. Despite the large range of medical products, issue of developing new and effective anti hypodermosis, liquidating not only the disease itself, but also its consequences, has not been resolved.
Akaribil is the new insectoacaricide based of ivermectin. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, stimulating the healing of damaged skin properties, does not irritate the skin, has a mild irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes. At recommended doses, does not cause akaribil animal side effects and complications. All this accounts for its high therapeutic efficacy against arahnosis and enthomosis. In connection with the above, mentioned we had a goal to investigate the effect of akaribil on clinical and hematological indices of cows with hypodermosis.
Research carried out at the farm, named Zhukov, Bragin district, Gomel region of Belarus for 30 cows with hypodermosis. The intensity of the hypodermis larvae infestation in all animals was 16–45 skin mounds containing agents on each cow. An experienced group of animals was made up of 20 animals treated akaribilom. 10 cows were included in the control group, which was not runnability.
Blood analysis conducted at the beginning of the experiment and after treatment at 3, 7, 14 and day 21. The morphological indices were determined by an automatic hematology analyzer «Medonic-Ca 620" (Sweden). Leykoformulu counted in blood smears stained Pappenheim. Biochemical studies of blood serum was performed in automatic biochemical analyzer "Sarmay Lumen" (Spain) and «EuroLyser» (England), using the "Randox" (England) and "Sarmay" (Poland) set of reagents production companies.
It was found that akaribil is an effective therapeutic agent, providing complete recovery of cows at hypodermosis. The efficacy of this drug against larval hypodermis cows was 100 %. This confirmed that at 21-th day of experiment in animals that had been treated by akaribil, protuberances previously filled pathogens at skin completely disappeared.
Also, due to the use of akaribil significant increase in the number of erythrocytes by 7.7 % (p<0.05) occurred in the blood of animals. This index before the study was 6.50±0.2 T/l of cows experiment group and 6.11±0.2 T/l – in a control group. At 21-th day after the start of treatment the number of erythrocytes in the blood of animals was 7.0±0.3 and 6.4±0.4 T/l respectively.
At baseline, animals of both groups had a leukopenia, which disappeared in a group experiment by increasing the number of leukocytes by 10.0 % (p<0.01). So, at the beginning of the study, this index was 11.9±0.2 G/l of cows experiment group and 11.5±0.2 G/l – in a control group. After 21 days, the number of leukocytes changed to 13.1±0.5 and 11.3±0.4 G/l, respectively.
Also in infested animals were observed depression of a hemoglobin concentration in blood. Cows of the experimental group had this index 91.0±1.5 g/l, and of control group – 87.0±1.0 g/l. For the end of the study hemoglobin concentration was changed to 96.7±3.8 and 86.0±0.2 g/l, respectively. So, through the use of akaribil this index increased by 6.3 % (p<0.05).
Sick animals with hipodermatosis had a hypoproteinemia. The protein content of cow blood serum was 45.8±1.1 g/l in the experimental group and 46.0±1.06 g/l – in the control. Application of akaribil allowed to reach 48.2±1.2 and 44.5±1.5 g/l, respectively. This means that the disinfected animal protein concentration increased to 5.2 % (p<0.05).
Thanks to using of akaribil for animals of the experimental group, their serum lysozyme activity increased for 19.8 % and bactericidal – for 10.6 % (p<0.05). So at the beginning of researches, these indices of experimental group cows were 8.1±0.1 and 66.1±1.1 %, respectively. After 21 days of the study, they increase for 19.8 and 10.6 %, respectively (p<0.05). This means that they were 9.7±0.2 and 73.1±1.4 %. The lysozyme and bactericidal serum activity of animals in the control group did not change significantly and amounted at the end of the study 8.1±0.2 and 61.1±1.1 %, respectively.
Inhibition of the immune system of the cows’ organism under the influence of Hypodermis larvae was confirmed by determining the phagocytic activity of leukocytes. The blood of animals of experimental and control groups at baseline, the index was 36.1±0.7 and 36.2±0.6 %, respectively. But to the 21-th day of the study, the experimental group of cows their phagocytic activity of white blood cell count was significantly increased by 25.2 % (to 45.2±2.5 %, p<0.01), while the control group remained to be reduced (36.0±0.7 %).
All these developments point to a recovery of hematopoiesis and immunity in cows under the influence of akaribil. Such a phenomenon is possible because akaribil drug leads to death of hypodermosis pathogens. As a result of the death of pathogens, they cease to allocate to a host toxic metabolites. Because of this stops the oppression of the hematopoietic and immune systems of the body and the cow is restored. This factor is a very important for the restoration of normal milk production of cows and maintaining profitability.
Key words: acaribil, cattle, hypodermosis, blood, morphological and biochemical blood parameters, nodules, gadfly.
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