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Dynamics of microorganisms of the gastrointestinal tract and indicators of blood in integrated treatment of associatid parasites of telies
The effect on the composition of the microflora of the large intestine of cattle, as well as on the biochemical and hematological parameters of probiotic and plant prebiotic blood, used in complex treatment for dysbiosis caused by associative parasitosis. In patients with calves, a metabolic disorder was found, which indicates the development of a pathological process in the animal body.
To study the microorganisms of the large intestine, samples of feces were taken directly from the rectum, during the act of defecation, placed in sterile Petri dishes. Then we took a sample of feces with a mass of 1 g and made a series of successive dilutions to 10-11. Then we sowed the appropriate nutrient media no later than 2-3 hours after the selection. The amount of bacteria in 1 g of feces was determined from the number of colonies grown on the appropriate nutrient medium, with the conversion to the amount of seed material and the degree of its dilution. Approximate identification of bifido- and lactobacilli was carried out by a microscopic method (Gram staining), which allows evaluating the morphology of cells. Identification of Escherichia coli was carried out according to morphological-cultural and biochemical properties. The micromycete's generic membership was determined taking into account their morphological and cultural features. During the experiments, the number of E. coli, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, aerobic bacilli, clostridia, staphylococcus, streptococcus, fungi and yeast in the large intestine.
In the course of the studies, four groups of calves were formed according to the principle of analogues: 10 groups each: the first group was treated with an antiparasitic drug and a probiotic, the second group was assigned an antiparasitic drug and a plant prebiotic, the third group – an antiparasitic drug, a probiotic and a plant prebiotic, the fourth group was a control and No drugs were not processed. In animals of all groups, blood samples were taken for hematologic, biochemical studies prior to use of the preparations, then every seven days after application. The blood was taken with observance of the rules of aseptic and antiseptic from the jugular vein into two dry clean test tubes. In one of the tubes, the blood was stabilized with heparin (2.0 U / ml) and the other was used to produce serum.
Blood counted the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, ESR, hemoglobin content, deduced leukogram, phagocytic activity of leukocytes. Serum concentrations of total protein, albumins, alkaline phosphatase level, bilirubin, activity of aminotransferases (AsAT, AlAT).
Prebiotics – substances that contribute vosstanavleniju normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract. They are absorbed and hydrolyzed only by the intestinal microflora. This drug stimulates the development of beneficial microflora suppresses reproduction of pathogenic micro-organisms, at the same time increasing the detoxification function of the microflora and all the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
Probiotics in his raznobrazii not digested in the stomach and small intestine, and almost unchanged reach the colon. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, often included in the majority of probiotic or exchange and composes a number of other microbial products (bacilli other species) disposing lactulose, isolated lactic acid which inhibits the growth of putrefactive and pathogenic microflora, leading to the formation in the body of a powerful protective factor – the normal intestinal flora and contributes to the local and general immunity.
As a result of the use of complex treatment, metabolism was restored. As a result of the use of complex treatment, the best effect was shown by the use of an antiparasitic drug in combination with a plant prebiotic and a probiotic. These drugs improve the composition of microorganisms and stimulate the development of their own normoflora.
Restoration of morphological and biochemical blood parameters to the level of healthy animals in the third group was observed on day 13 after treatment with an antiparasitic drug in combination with a plant prebiotic and a probiotic. While in other groups, recovery was observed by the 21st day.
Key words: association, dysbiosis, cattle, microflora, parasite, blood counts, vegetable prebiotic, probiotic, colon.
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